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Feelin' the love on Fauna


Man, Rich, just got to say you have more patience with that mess than I will ever dream of having. Makes me 1000 times more happy to have Cornsnakes.com and the great people of this forum to converse with.

So, thank you to everyone for being you!

Disclaimer: Not meant as a suck up by any means, but I just made it back from the shark feast and am counting meself lucky to "live" here. Kind of like hugging your puppy when you get home after seeing a dog hit on the road.
It's a shame, and sure reflects badly on folks who are supposed to be "adults"...Thanks for our little corner of peace and corn snakes on the World Wide Web, Rich :)...
Yeah, I was thinking there had to be a reason for Huggies' stock to be soaring like it is. It's hard in the summer when nap time doesn't come early enough.
Traci1 said:
Certain people are really creating a bad atmosphere over there...so much negativity.

Some people really just need the attention. They have a problem with somebody and just feel the necessity to try and ruin everything for them.
My goodness...I don't lurk there nearly as much as I use this forum. Now I'm kind of glad after reading some of the threads going on over there. Makes me realize what a great forum this place is, so I'll second Connie and say thanks!

Yeah...that place can get out of hand.

And that's why I love sitting right here....really no need to go over there. I used to but then the Southeastern Shows I worked with turned into the same sort of pissing arena and I just got fed up! I hit it once a week or so just to keep tabs but I am here probably every day I'm in town.

No place like home....
Hurley said:
Disclaimer: Not meant as a suck up by any means, but I just made it back from the shark feast and am counting meself lucky to "live" here. Kind of like hugging your puppy when you get home after seeing a dog hit on the road.

Visiting Fauna lately has made me appreciate CS.com so much more.
It really is sad over there. It makes you wonder if the herp hobby attracts the developmentally arrested. What makes corn hobbyists so different? It seems as if we don't take ourselves as seriously here. The bickerings over there about who is or isn't a real leopard gecko expert are laughable. It ain't rocket science! You've got to have a pretty narrow view of the world to think that your expertise in one tiny area of trivia makes you better than anyone else. Let's face it, somewhere very close to 100% of the world population couldn't care less about corn snakes, leopard geckos, ball pythons, etc.. And they are even less concerned with what you or I know about them.

I truly hope that Rich figures out a way to make that place functional again. It could be so much more...
And that's why I love sitting right here....really no need to go over there......

I think I found fauna first, then Cornsnakes.com second.. I believe I followed the link here, but it has been so long.. Perhaps we argue a bit here and there, but we try to be civil with the knowing of what is really important.

So, thank you to everyone for being you!

Thank you Connie, this is certainly a great community.. I might not agree with everyone all the time, but the respect is there for everyone.. This place is probably the most friendly and family like forum I have ever been a member of. This place rocks and it is because of the community..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Hmm, I can't believe I don't have a smiley to reflect what I think about Fauna myself right now. Something that is a cross between a primal scream, jumping off a cliff, going postal, punching someone in the face, and having a heart attack all rolled up into one. Anyone ever seen one like that anywhere?

Close? :shrugs:

Can't make em happy, no matter what, it seems. The more you try to give them what they want, the bigger the hissy fit/pampers/temper tantrum.
Rich Z said:
Hmm, I can't believe I don't have a smiley to reflect what I think about Fauna myself right now. Something that is a cross between a primal scream, jumping off a cliff, going postal, punching someone in the face, and having a heart attack all rolled up into one. Anyone ever seen one like that anywhere?
:crazy02: (Accompanied by the Woody Woodpecker laugh.)

It is funny how with a warning system and it all being spelled out for them, so many people still can't seem to figure it out. Instead they just use it as an opportunity to whine about enforcement being "inconsistent." (Or to put it in a more appropriate terminology, "no fair!")

I personally prefer the one rule we have here: don't be a buttwad. :grin01: