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Feeling like a Thief


Herpetologists' offspring
Well, today was quite exciting. I didn't actually steal anything, but I kind of feel like I did. As I'm sure many in my area are aware, the Hamburg show was today. I didn't think I'd be home for it, but alas I was. Aside from needing mice and such, I was also sort of half looking for a cheap male lavender or some variation since my boy Jasper doesn't seem to be doing too well at the moment, and I don't think he'll be fitting into my future breeding plans. I managed to stumble upon a guy who was selling lavs and ultramel lavs (at least they were labelled as such) for between $10 and $20! If that's not a steal, I don't know what is! So, after determining the sexes of a few of the available animals, I picked this little guy.


He currently weighs a whopping 4.25 g, and I have no idea if he's ever eaten. But for $10, I decided to take the chance. He was labelled as an ultramel lav, and he looks lighter than a lot of lavender babies I've seen, but does anyone have any opinions on that? His pupils are redder than they appear in the photos.
Also, if the belly checkers are only faint hints on the side (a very definite clear stripe down the middle), does that mean it might be het. blood, or is that a common thing with lavs?
Thanks for looking!
You're right, that was a steal! :)

I have no idea about whether he's an Ultramel Lavender, but I do know that all my Lavenders and Hypo Lavenders have had ruby pupils and I think that's fairly common. As to the split belly checks, I was looking at him thinking could this boy be het for Bloodred because of the very pale head, but I'm no expert on that so maybe someone with more experience will give you a better idea :)

Congrats on the great pick up and I hope he does well for you!
Yeah, my regular lav (Jasper) has ruby pupils as well. I guess only breeding trials will really tell!
You know I was looking at this guy too wondering if he might be het bloodred also because of his light head.. Only way to know for sure is test breeding... Beautiful baby and yes a steal.. You thief!!!!!! LOL... !!! :)
So far as has been explained to me, the belly stripe -called masque- is not a positive indicator of het for diffused. And ive seen the breeding trials of masque x masque to back that up. I had the same question when i bought my lav ph diffused girl earlier this year.

Hamburg always has great deals, especially on corn snakes. I should have gone.

Awesome snake!

ps- my lav girl doesnt have ruby pupils. 'sup with that?
Sweet, I didn't know the belly stripe had a name. I learn something new every day! Hamburg is potentially the worst thing for me - I'm like a kid in a candy shop, and I ALWAYS want something. But you definitely should have gone, especially if you were looking for some cheap lavender morphs. The guy I got mine from seemed to be the only one with lav hatchlings, but then again I wasn't looking too hard (for fear of going home with something more expensive).

Hmm. I don't know, I think that the ruby pupil thing varies from animal to animal. Quite intriguing!
Sweet, I didn't know the belly stripe had a name. I learn something new every day! Hamburg is potentially the worst thing for me - I'm like a kid in a candy shop, and I ALWAYS want something. But you definitely should have gone, especially if you were looking for some cheap lavender morphs. The guy I got mine from seemed to be the only one with lav hatchlings, but then again I wasn't looking too hard (for fear of going home with something more expensive).

Hmm. I don't know, I think that the ruby pupil thing varies from animal to animal. Quite intriguing!

I only have 1 lav right now, but by next year i expect to be doing a lav mot pairing, as well as starting a lav anery mot project. In 2 years, im hoping for some plasmas. I couldnt possibly go to hamburg to pick up more snakes. Purple overload! But im sure i could be convinced to come to the next one, assuming bribery is involved.
That should be a nice project. As of right now I've got 1.0 lavender het. blood, 0.1 opal ph motley, and this new little guy who may or may not be 1.0 ultramel lav het. blood. Should be fun to see what happens with them. I've got several other projects to work on too, so I really need to slow down now that I'm just one short of 30 snakes. But my opinion is that you can never have too many lavenders. lol What kind of bribery would be needed?

Aaand good news on Cassius' front (the little guy I started the thread for) - HE EATS! I figured at his weight either he hadn't been offered food yet or was a non-feeder, but thankfully I was very much wrong. There's hope for him yet!
Great pick up no matter what the lil one is!

Killer pricing too.

Dont feel bad for taking advantage of someone's deal. He/she seemed to know what they were selling and had their pricing at almost free so why not??? I would buy a new car for a few thousand over $30,000 anyday of the week.

Keep up posted and show us lots of progression pics!