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Final clutch is pipping! Such a pretty RED baby!


What addiction?!
I wasn't sure if this clutch would actually hatch or not. The mom already laid one clutch then I re-bred her. When I went to feed and clean one day, there they were, 10 eggs all shriveled up and tucked under the water bowl! She must have laid them right after the last cleaning and feeding. I put the eggs in some perlite and covered them with a damp paper towel. After a few days they plumped up. I'm not sure what day they are on but it has to be real close to 60.


I guess I've never seen a fresh-born lava before. It's so translucent and pretty. Their name makes sense now... :rofl:
First baby is out and one more is pipping. Looks like we have 2 lavas so far. :)

I added quit a bit of light to these to show the pattern better.


Thanks every one! :)

they look like lavamel, don't they have red eyes? It looks like it.

Lavas have red eyes. My male has no known hets so the likely hood of them being lavamels would be really hard. Even if he were het amel I'd have a slim chance of getting lavamels.

This is the father to these babies when he was only a month old...