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Finally got some eggs

JAG 32

look at that face :)
Well my girl finally decided it was time to rid her self of those pesky eggs. Right now shes up to eight, Last year she laid 16 then double with 12 more so i'm expecting a large clutch this year. She always seems to lay the end of may no matter when i take her out of brumation. Hmm :shrugs: oh well, at least shes happy (not right now of course) and healthy. Ill try to post some pictures later.

thanks, shes up to 13 and i think she might be done, which is fine with me becuase i still have some 06's left.
Congrats! I thought I was the only late one--got my 1st brood today (butter X amel striped motley het butter)
I'm expecting normals het amel, anery and hypo, hypos het amel and anery, anerys het amel and hypo and ghosts het amel again, i bred her to one male, a reverse okeetee but i dont think anything took so i paired her with a different male so we'll see :)