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Finding a vet..


New member
Corncrazy asked a good question I hadn't really thought of before. Is there a good reptile vet in my area. Well I really don't know, which I should have before I bought Link. I know there are some vets close by but as to there knowledge on reptiles I am uncertain. Is there a listing on the internet somewhere that tells you these kinds of things. I know they do it with other professions like chiropractors. Could anyone help me out? I live in Norristown, PA. It's like 45 minutes from Philadelphia.

Typically many vets will advertise as exotic experience, but in actuality they have no experience with herps. In my experience, the best way to cut through all the advertizing and identify those with real experience is to get a recommendation from another herper in your area. In my case, I asked for a recommendation from one of the main officers in the local herp society, and he gave me an excellent recommendation.

There is a website that lists reptile vets online, but I don't remember what the link was. It's a commonly asked question over on the Kingsnake.com websites.

But I didn't know about a vet either until I had a problem, so before I even knew about Kingsnake.com, I called up my local zoo and asked their reptile director who he thought was a good reptile vet in the area.

So if all else fails, call up the Philadelphia Zoo and talk with their reptile department. They'll help you find a local vet, I'll bet. =)
The website for the Association of Reptile and Amphibian vets can be found here .
Remember that not all the people on the list are vets though, as some are just interested members of the association.

As others have said - the best way to find one is by asking people in the area that have had to use one. Asking the zoo is a great idea, also, if there are any specialist herp stores in the area, ask them whom they use.

Herp societies can be a great source of advice, although you may have to ask more than one person. Other vets can often recommend someone too. The vet that our herp society recommended to me is great with snakes, but hasn't done so much with lizards, so he was able to tell me of another vet in the area where I live to help me out with lizard issues.

Melissa Kaplan's site gives this advise on finding a vet .
Finding A Herp Veterinarian

She also has vet listings

Finally try here

Good luck, I hope you find a good one near you.