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Fire or Sunglow?


"Serpent Science"
I am just curious if anyone is working on a line of amelanistic bloodreds with motley and/or striped patterns, and where I might look to purchase them? Before I had heard of fire corns, I was looking into getting a pair of sunglow motleys. Now that I have seen the beauty of fire, I am leaning more towards them. Either way, it will be a difficult decision.

Feel free to post pictures of your sunglow and fire corns! Thanks!

Well I tried to post a picture of my sunglow but it didn't work out. :shrugs: So if I figure it out i'll try to post it again.
I am just curious if anyone is working on a line of amelanistic bloodreds with motley and/or striped patterns, and where I might look to purchase them? Before I had heard of fire corns, I was looking into getting a pair of sunglow motleys. Now that I have seen the beauty of fire, I am leaning more towards them. Either way, it will be a difficult decision.

Feel free to post pictures of your sunglow and fire corns! Thanks!

Rich Hume has developed the best line of CONFIRMED striped bloods in various patterns (including albino). Lots of people are selling striped albinos that are only POSSIBLE bloods, so stick with definite ones....like the Hume line. I hope to produce a few this year, but they'll likely be keepers, BUT you should really check with Don Soderberg concerning those things.

As an addition, the striped bloods from the Hume line are awesome, but I find the regular bloods rather wanting in pattern. I really don't like them, but since those are the only bloods I have that are definite het for stripe, I keep them around.....lol.
