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First Clutch, pics, questions


New member
Got 7 eggs from my suboc female. When I pulled the female out, she was a little wraped around the eggs and the whole stack turned upside down.(all stuck together) I know they shouldn't be turned, but immediately put them back to the side they were at and laid them in the medium. There are some at the bottom that are covered up by the others(will these be ok since they are buried)..all surrounded by perlite, a little sphagnum moss and covered by a paper towel. Is everything right? This is my first clutch and I am a worried parent? (used to my boas) thanks

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They look fine. :)

The turning, as they were freshly laid, no problem.

The ones at the bottom should be fine as well. They'll find a gap and make their way out when they need to.

I had a clutch of 14 last year of which 13 were clumped. The only one that failed to hatch was one of the ones on top.
they should be alright. i'm on my first clutch at the moment. when i moved my eggs,two of them turned over,but they seem to be doing fine. i'm sure someone else with more experience will have advice on this sort of thing, i also remember reading a thread where someone else's eggs got turned over and hatched out fine. i hope this helps a little,good luck with your eggs! :)