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First Corn Snake...


New member
I am leaning towards a classic or wild type. I appreciate natural beauty and am concerned about genetic meddling. I am a reformed HOT keeper/breeder. Which translates to I acquired a girlfriend whose safety I value above my own. Any suggestions on breeders? Obviously PM me if you feel uncomfortable promoting yourself or someone else. I would greatly appreciate any help as this is my first Elaphe sp.

You should probably just get a wild-caught if you're concerned with genetic meddling. Most normal captive bred corns that you can buy are by-products of test breeding and are therefore carrying hets for other genes.

Bought it. Thanks for the PM's. These snakes are dirt cheap including morphs. No wonder everyone and their mother has one.

Bought it. Thanks for the PM's. These snakes are dirt cheap including morphs. No wonder everyone and their mother has one.


Good luck with your new corn and don't forget to post picture .
What's your setup like?