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First ever holding


New member
Well i had my first ever holding of My Miami Cornsnake today and really it was my first ever pick up of a Cornsnake aswell as when you go to look at them in the petshop they put them in your hand.

Anyway it went kind of good and kind of bad.

To start with i took the lid off of his home and went to grab him and he shot like a train over the edge of his home and dropped say 31 inches and then i picked him up and it was so cool.

put him on my bed and he shot like a train again and fell off my bed which was say 19 inches.

Anyway i eventually got control and he was amazing so cool and friendly it was untrue.I was taking photos with my phone and he was coming up to the lens sticing his tongue out:)

I put his log on the bed to so i could hold him then let him slide around on my bed and then go in to his log so he didnt feel out in the open all the time.

Anyway i really enjoyed it and am sure i won't be so nervous this time as this last time i was shaking because i was so scared of hurting him.

By the way do you think he will be ok after falling out of his home and off the bed as i am feeling so guilty and hope i have not surt him :cry:

Anyway thanks for your help before this guys and girls because reading all your threads on handling eventually got me holding him ok and he didn't once attempt to bite me.

Sorry i have not got a digital camera yet but he's some pics of him with my phone.




Many thanks all:)

ssssnake_lover said:
By the way do you think he will be ok after falling out of his home and off the bed as i am feeling so guilty and hope i have not surt him :cry:
He'll be fine, trust me. Not like he fell 12 feet to a cold concrete floor! :grin01:
Oh yeah, you're new here, I have a corn that did just that, he's fine :wavey:

As i am new to Snakes i didnt really realise how fast they were i went to grab him and it was like he was strapped to a rocket :roflmao:

Anyway thanks for putting my mind at rest and i am not nervous now so next time will be fine.
My silly girl loves to climb to the top of her viv and onto some glass shelves near the top, Unfortunatly she has'nt worked out how to get down with out falling. Corn snakes are semi arborel so there used to the ocasional short fall.
Mine would get in-between the gap between the doors (Outside edge was sealed so she couldn't escape) and use that to climb to the top...where whe would try her best to reach an air vent on the other side. Not only did she fall every time, it was pointless anyway, as the mesh was way too small for her to get out of. :grin01:
Same here as it my first corn, as much as you reseach and read up on them it does'nt prepare you for all the little things that happen or dont go as planned which i surpose only experiance will solve.
Sounds like a little trouble maker paradox:)

Am i right in guessing then he's jumping off a 6ft door :eek1:

And yeah Crazyewok nothing prepares you for little things like how fast they are:)

But i so excited after holding him as i thought he would bite me but he was so sweet and gentle me love him :grin01:
ssssnake_lover said:
But i so excited after holding him as i thought he would bite me but he was so sweet and gentle me love him :grin01:

I was expecting the same but not so much as a musking or shaken tail she was as gental as anything. Obvouily it means you are doing well so far because if she was stressed she would be biting or at least showing signs of stress and agrivation, well thats how i take it any anyway again i'm not a expert lol
Yeah i kept picking her up but i was also putting her back down on the bed so he could go in his log and feel safe:)

I think he's like 16 inches long aswell but he seems small when he's wrapped around your hands :grin01:
aww, hes looking great! I really like his colours. Im glad your first holding went well, should give you a bit more confidence next time you go to hold him. Confidence is key :cheers: .

Good luck with your snake, hes a beauty :)
Yeah he's a great looking snake you can't really see how beautiful he is in them pictures.I am going to buy a digital camera and then take some in the day.

And yeah i feel excited about the next holding and not scared at all.

Many thank
