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first feeding at home, tips?


New member
Sunday will be 1 week since my cornsnake has been with me. I haven't handled her since she came home, her cool temp is about 72 and her warm temp is 86 so I think she is ready. She looks pretty small, should I cut the pinkie in half or trust in her ability to eat it? Should I feed her in her in her enclosure or in a tub outside her enclosure? I think my main concern about feeding her in her enclosure is she will not be focused on the food. Also how long should I keep the food with her? A few hours, overnight or?

Thanks guys! You have already been helpful to me and I appreciate you answering all my newbie questions. Any other feeding tips are welcome.
Thanks that definitely answered my size of the pinkie question. Still wondering how to make a new and small snake more comfortable during their first feed though i.e in the enclosure or in a tub and for how long to leave the food in.
Dont worry about that... She probably will want to eat right in the moment he see the pinkie :p But start handling it at least once a day, 15min so she start to know your smell and yourself ^^
good luck
Once she digests I will start handling her everyday, just didn't want to stress her out first week. Thanks, I hope she eats right away!
This is my caresheet. I would feed in a SMALL feeding container. I'd put the HOT pinky in, and then the snake, and cover the container up, and then leave it strictly alone, no peeking, for 30-60 minutes.
Alright she had her first meal tonight and ate like a champ! I put her in a small plastic tub, heated the pinkie according to the directions and used tongs to wiggle it in front of her. She took it right away! Now she is back in her cage hiding and digesting. I am so happy she didn't have any problems taking her food.
As a tip for the future, you rarely need to wiggle the pinky for them. Corns are usually great feeders and just being in the tub with the pinky should be enough to trigger them to eat. Don't be alarmed if they don't chow down immediately if you try that - they occasionally take a few minutes to explore before realising the pinky is there.