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First Real Bite, and Itchy Hands


New member
Well today was the day for me to receive my very first corn snake bite. I actually received a Everglades Rat Snake bite today also, all in total when it was done I got bit and stuck at about 20+ times (we have some major hatelings at work)

The snakes are late '09s and we have them up at work (Petco) I am their new reptile person (YAY) and it was feeding day. These two snakes (we have a total of 9 at the moment) an amel cornsnake, and an Everglades Rat, are both feisty and bitey no matter what day it is or the situation. However because I am going to be dealing with these guys on a regular basis I felt I needed to just get the bites out of the way so that I would be able to do my job and not be so scared.

The bites themselves did not hurt, only one drew a tiny tiny pin-prick of blood but after wards, the hand that got bit was extremely itchy and uncomfortable until I washed it off really good with hot water and soap.

Is it possible that I might be allergic to snake spit (lol) or is this a pretty common occurence when it comes to getting struck at and bit by a non-venomous snake?

thanks :D
Snake bites are pretty much always itchy to some degree. I wonder if it is an enzyme in their saliva, for digestion. Nothing to worry about. But have you had a tetanus shot?
Probably handling the bitey snakes will eventually tame them down and give them a better chance at being sold.
I have a similar reaction. Mine built up over time. When I first started keeping corns, their bites (even "bad" ones) never bothered me other than just a minor irritation. But now I get pretty red, itchy, and swollen if I get bit. Even a hatchling corn that doesn't draw any blood, will cause my skin to flare up for a few hours.

I do think its an allergic reaction to their saliva or some other component in their mouth. I usually just put some benadryl or anti-itch cream on it and its fine by the next day.
My most recent tetanus shot was about 4 years ago, so I think I should be good on that ( I tend to be a bit um accident prone, so tetanus shots are something I am generally up to date on lol) :dancer:

Nanci, you hit the nail right on the head, I figure we arent going to move these snakes with them being so aggressive, so if I have so suffer a couple of velcro attacks to get them into a better set up/home eventually, then it is worth it. And the fact that I am going to be dealing with these guys for a bit, I needed to get this out of the way, as all the corns I have are just as easy going as it gets.

I am relieved to hear that the reaction I had is pretty common, at first I was like "omg i am allergic to snake spit, this is going to make things complicated:eek1:" lol. I will make sure to stay up to date on my tetanus and always really wash afterwards ( i do before and after anyways, but now will pay extra attention if i get bit)

Nice that you are working with the snakes like you are at work. I bought a corn snake from PetSmart - it was in a tank by itself, and rather docile - but the poor guy reaching into the tank to get the snake was terrified and shaking so badly, he couldn't grab it. I finally offered to get the snake out and he was so relieved. Lo and behold, waiting right behind me was a guy wanting to see the ball python - LOL...
Anti Tetanus shots should be received every 5 years.

My take on the itchiness is that it is more a phsychological reaction than a case of being allergic. Lets face it, you can be bitten how ever many times, but it will still come as a shock phsycologically when it happens. Every time a hatchling corn lunges at you, you automatically jerk away, even though you know that you cannot be hurt.

The theory I have is that as a result of the bite, a surge of adrenalin is injected into the blood stream and phsyche, resulting in this itching feeling.

This is just my theory however.
I heard once that all saliva is "venomous" to some degree, and that some people may be more prone to difficulties with it. Like Matthew said, maybe it won't really have an effect right away, but prolonged exposure might make it become increasingly inflammatory.
The theory I have is that as a result of the bite, a surge of adrenalin is injected into the blood stream and phsyche, resulting in this itching feeling.

This is just my theory however.

That makes sense, Roland, for the types of snakes you are exposed to! I only get a very tiny adrenalin rush from the Velcro strike of a cornsnake hatchling, however. :)
iv had the same question for a while finally it was answered. my hands almost constantly r itchy bcuz of 1 of my boas that the petstore i volunteer at gave me after they had it for over a year. but i have realized it is worse for me when 1 of my ball pythons bites me.
i had a friend that was very allergic to savannah monitor saliva and went into shock after she was bitten by 1 she had