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First shed in my care, some questions.

My six month old Blizzard is currently in blue.
This is going to be the first time he sheds for me.
The humidity and everything seems fine in my room. I live in Florida, so I tend to have high humidity.
I'm not anticipating any problems with his shed.
How long does it usually take for them to be done shedding?

Also, I usually feed him on Sundays.
He's currently eating two pinkies.
Should I try to feed him like usual?
Or maybe only thaw out one and see if he takes it?
Or should I just go ahead and not feed him this week?
It takes a couple days. You'll see (and it's more subtle in snows and blizzards) him clear up a bit, then shed. Some eat in shed, some don't. Some tend to regurge during a shed for no other health reason then shedding makes them regurge, from babies to adults. I have 2 yearlings here who eat right thru shed cycles no problems, but every corn is different. Waiting til he sheds or skipping til next Sunday wont affect your snakes health one bit. :)
So, I think I'll just go ahead and not feed him today then.
He's my first snake and I get all nervous whenever there's even a slight chance something could go wrong.
I got all nervous when I switched him to two pinkies as well.
Instead of two pinkies i would probably just feed one pinkie then after he shed feed the other pinkie. Then resume the sunday cycle