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First spring day!


New member
So today being the first nice, spring day, it seemed like a perfect time to take some updated pics of the babies :)

Thëodwyn- female Creamsicle Okeetee from Don

Ecthelion- male orange Candy Cane from Don

I wish he had of stayed red! D;

Dúnadain- male Butter from Don

He's a squirmy one!

Númenor- male Peppermint from Walter

(Of course he was the only one going into shed, but still beautiful! Will put up post-shed pics once he's done!)

Isilmë- female Miami Motley from Walter

Éowyn- female Extreme Reverse Okeetee from Steve

Eärendil- male Sunglow Stripe

Galadriel- female Blizzard

Arwen- female Charcoal

Thranduil- male Banded Florescent

Telperion- male Salmon Snow

I played around with these pics a bit because, as most people with pink snakes know, catching their real colors is next to impossible 3: These are the closest I could get to his true colors aside from the key-lime borders he's getting...

Luthien- female Extreme Okeetee

Este- female Lavender

Wow wow wow wow ! Lovely collection that okeetee is fab :) as are all the others! I really like all of the names as well :)
You have a really beautiful collection! Those are great pictures that really show the beauty and color of the animals.
Thanks everyone!

It happened to be a PERFECT day out with the sun in just the right spot to bring out everyone's colors. Though I did realize just how many amel morphs I have!

@Sekani- all of the names are from Tolkien's works. Most are more obscure names, but some are easily recognizable :)