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First time Breeder. What do I do?


New member
It wasn't until last week friday when I actually knew that my snake (Andre) who I have had for 4 years was actually a girl when I thought it was a boy. I woke up to finding 11 eggs in her viv, she later went on to having 6 more that day. I read up in book and on the internet on the best way to look after the eggs so I'm currently incubating them. Andre was doing fine and went straight into her shed and I thought that there was nothing to worry about. However, yesterday evening I saw a lump by her tail, similar to what i had seen while she was laying the previous eggs. She hasn't laid any more over night and I'm worried if she will become egg bound and if she has more eggs to come or not. Should I take her to a vet? Any suggestions? Thanks
If I am understanding correctly she has all ready done her post lay shed which means it's been around 7 days since she laid her eggs is that right? If so that means that egg has been in there a long time and you should find a vet that treats reptiles.
Hi zorror thanks a lot for your quick reply. I managed to get Andre into a vet and she is now fine as the vet managed to get out two more eggs. The vet said that she will be ok and for me to just keep an eye on her.
Ps... Andrea is doing fine, back to her normal self and eating well. I was just wondering, with the eggs most of them look fine, full and white but there was a few which were yellow just after being laid. I managed to get some of the yellow eggs out because they started going mouldy but there are a few still attacted to the eggs which look fine. Does that mean that I've lost all of the eggs? I read that I shouldn't separate them but is it ok to leave a normal egg with one which is mouldy? Thanks
Myself, I separate the bad ones off (very gently) and without turning any of the good eggs. I have seen several people on this forum that leave them in and have no problem. Maybe some other breeders will respond with their experences.
I leave the mouldy ones attached and they never seem to have an effect on healthy eggs. Generally, if eggs go mouldy, they weren't going to make it to start with.

Prising eggs apart risks rupturing good eggs. It's never seemed worth it to me.
Ok thanks a lot for the comments guys... I may leave the egg as they are for now as I'm not entirely sure if I trust myself with trying to separate the eggs so I just hope for the best with the other eggs :p
Since you didn't know she was a female and had become gravid, and you say you have fertile eggs (white and plump), I can only assume that you are housing her in the same viv with another snake...the male. I would highly recommend that you separate them. Since she has already become egg-bound with one clutch, you sure don't want her to become egg-bound with a second clutch, especially a second one this year when she probably hasn't fully recovered from her first clutch.
Since you didn't know she was a female and had become gravid, and you say you have fertile eggs (white and plump), I can only assume that you are housing her in the same viv with another snake...the male. I would highly recommend that you separate them. Since she has already become egg-bound with one clutch, you sure don't want her to become egg-bound with a second clutch, especially a second one this year when she probably hasn't fully recovered from her first clutch.
My thoughts exactly Susan. I was going to reply with the same facts but I must say you have done so with more tact and self control then I probably would have. :shrugs: I don't get it.
Jay :cool:
Hehe thanks guys for the comments. However, the odd thing is that she has always been in her viv on her own and all of my snakes are kept in separate vivs. However, they were sometimes mixed when i got them out e.g. in the garden. Now I'm ensuring that they are well kept apart as I don't really want another incident happening.
Well if you know 100% that she's been kept alone 100% of her life, then they're duds.
If not, they can retain the sperm.