Okay, I've had my boy Eris since a week before Christmas (he's roughly 10 months old?) , and after the first three weeks being...less than pleasant (he refused to eat frozen, so he went around 3 weeks without eating), he began to eat his live food like clockwork. It used to take him 2-3 hours to get the fuzzy, but he'd eventually get it, and then it got to where it took him a minute, tops. Well, aside from when he was shedding and refused his food (he eagerly took it the night after he shed, thankfully), and two good meals between then, he's suddenly refusing his food. I held on to the fuzzy and retried tonight (usually he eats on Mondays) and he won't touch it. He'll watch it for a moment, look like he's getting ready to strike, then suddenly be far more interested in getting out of the container. I double checked his temps and they're fine, ~75 on cool side, ~85 on hot side, he'd had plenty of water, doesn't look ill, and he's moving around just fine... Could it be the weather/season, or should I just not stress about it and..try to find something to do with the fuzzy? I really don't want to stress him out by repeatedly trying to feed him, but at the same time he's stressing me out...