Hi everyone, nice to meet ya, brand new snake owner here...
My name is Kekmet, and I just got a beautiful tan ratsnake named Nim. He's my first snake, though my family and I do have a lot of experience with various other types of animal husbandry; birds, tons of cats and dogs, various geckos, alot of fish (my favorites are bettas), mantises and of course crawdads.
I'll admit I was a little nervous at first (he was a 'surprise' Christmas present... animals, perfect thing to be surprised with, right? :awcrap
, but he's grown on me quite a bit. I was a tiny bit scared of snakes and was afraid to pick him up, but that went away the second I actually did!
He is about 18 inches long and incredibly friendly; he loves twining around my hands and wrists and wants, more than anything, to crawl up my shirt sleeves. It is his one goal in life. He is a lot more calm when I hold him than when my father does; maybe I have warmer hands? Who knows? But he constantly tries to get away from my dad and I can't get him off of me without a free hand. He holds on pretty darn tightly.
How much does caring for four-legged reptiles prepare you for snakes? The biggest challenge for me so far has been the freeze-dried mice...
As you can tell from my babbling post I am absolutely in love with our new addition to the family. I hope to learn a lot here!
My name is Kekmet, and I just got a beautiful tan ratsnake named Nim. He's my first snake, though my family and I do have a lot of experience with various other types of animal husbandry; birds, tons of cats and dogs, various geckos, alot of fish (my favorites are bettas), mantises and of course crawdads.
I'll admit I was a little nervous at first (he was a 'surprise' Christmas present... animals, perfect thing to be surprised with, right? :awcrap
He is about 18 inches long and incredibly friendly; he loves twining around my hands and wrists and wants, more than anything, to crawl up my shirt sleeves. It is his one goal in life. He is a lot more calm when I hold him than when my father does; maybe I have warmer hands? Who knows? But he constantly tries to get away from my dad and I can't get him off of me without a free hand. He holds on pretty darn tightly.
How much does caring for four-legged reptiles prepare you for snakes? The biggest challenge for me so far has been the freeze-dried mice...
As you can tell from my babbling post I am absolutely in love with our new addition to the family. I hope to learn a lot here!