Lovin' me some snakes!
In 9 years of dog ownership I've never had fleas, until now! UGH!!! My 7 year old pit girl has been getting scabs around her hind area, which I know is a symptom of fleas, but she is also prone to skin issues so I wasn't thinking a whole lot of it. I brushed her the other day and cleaned all the junk off with no sign of living bugs. Well this morning, it was all back again and I was wondering how in the world she was scabby again. So, I dug out a flea comb that I've kept around always just in case and I found a couple. I checked the other dogs and neither has fleas or flea dirt. My dogs are older, this particular dog has arthritis and can't go for long walks, so they literally just go around the block and the only other house they visit is my boyfriend's. My building has become infested with mice AND rats in the past few months though and I'm pretty certain that they brought the fleas with them. So, in addition to the water I had coming in this past summer and damaging furniture, I've now got a house full of fleas thanks to this building. I'm moving next month and was going to pay my landlord for the month of November even though I was only going to be there for a portion of the month, but forget that. I'm out on the 30th. In the meantime, I spent $100 on flea treatment for the dogs and cats. Not bombing the house because there's no reason to disturb the snakes and other critters when we will be out in 18 days anyway. After that, the fleas and the nasty building are HER PROBLEM!
Sorry, just had to rant somewhere because I am ILLED right now!
Sorry, just had to rant somewhere because I am ILLED right now!