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Flinchy corn

Hey everyone,

not long after I moved RJ to her larger tank she is very flinchy when I handle her...she used to be fine! I have heard about them getting like his in a large tank but I thought she was ok to begin with (and she's not tiny, almost a year old).

She is also not eating outside the tank, she just tries to escape from the tub. I have been feeding her inside the tank and sometimes she really goes for it and strikes, other times I have to leave it for her.

Hot side temp on the ground is always 28-30 degrees C, cool side is usually 22 and doesn't drop below 20 C.

She is always at the cold or hot end and switches quite often so she seems happy with the temps.

Any idea's?

Thank you

If she tries to escape from her feeding tub, put her in a smaller tub and cover it. Feed her after dark, even.

Is she flinchy like ticklish almost? All my snakes are like that to a certain degree. I had Zee out tonight and he was so...flinchy/twitchy...I thought he was going to start mating with himself!
Ok thanks I will try that! :) hmm it's more of if I move my hand she will react to it, like she is scared. I know that may be normal with some snakes but she has always been ok till now.

I will try the feeding thing tomorrow.

FinFang get's 'scared' if his dinner moves too much. Some snakes are just weird. When he has trouble feeding, I put him in his tub, cover it, and turn out the lights for him. That's always worked for him, and feeding in the tank isn't an option for me because I don't want him accidently eating some aspen.

If she is flinchy, try and show her there is nothing to be afraid of? When my guys would go for an area I didn't want them in, I'd wiggle my finger at them. They have all figured out the bluff, and ignore me now. Brats.
(I wouldn't randomly do it though, make sure you give her reason to want to ignore you. Like if she's going for a nice hiding spot.)