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Food size ?


New member
I've been feeding my 4 ft. snake weaned rats. They just don't seem to be making much of a bulge anymore, but small rats, the next step up, just seem so huge! So I thought I would ask here what are other people with similar sized snakes feeding?

Actually, Frank was 4 ft. when I measured him back in April. I haven't measured him since, so he's probably a little bit larger now. It's been almost six months; I should probably measure him again!

Thanks for any tips...
You might want to offer two weaned rats instead of one small rat. Offering multiple smaller food items instead of one larger item has worked well for me.

Your snake sounds just about full grown. I don't feed my large adults anything larger than adult mice/weaned rats anymore, whether they show a big bulge or not. I had several get obese and had to put them on a diet. Their weight problem snuck up on me, but when my largest female still looked gravid after just laying a clutch, I knew I had a problem. She looks much better now, but one of the males, pic posted below, is still over-weight.
I'm not too worried about Frank being obese at this point. He was before, and I put him on a diet. He now looks like he's in pretty good shape. I've been feeding him one weaned rat every 10 days. I suppose I could vary it every once in awhile with a small rat instead of a weanling, except that I don't think RodentPro will mix rat sizes in one bag... Oh well, Frank will do okay even if he could handle a slightly larger rat. :)