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found a missing baby corn


New member
Ok so 8 months ago my boyfriend gave me a baby corn. We named her Chloe then about a month later I discovered she escaped. So went thru the whole proscess of tearing thing apart and setting traps. Did this for a month and nothing. So at that point I gave up finding this baby Snake alive.
Fast forward nearly 7 months later my roommate goes to the basement and calls my name and asks if I'm missing a snake. So I came down the stairs into this nasty basement that reads 50 degrees expecting to find a dead snake body. But nope this girl was climbing up the brick wall.
She has grown alot not sure what she managed to eat all this time anyway that's my excitement for the night
What a reunion! Good to see she grew some and was able to get food, finding a live pet is always a good thing.

Years ago my dad found a hamster that had escaped over a year prior, it was the funniest thing! He was still completely tame too, just a bit buggy-eyed from being in the dark for so long (the hamster, not my dad. XD )
Really makes me wonder what is living in your basement. Glad you got your baby back.