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Found the cannibal mouse!

So far, all the babies had been eaten in my colored mouse colony within an hour after the babies are born. I had a feeling that one of them was eating them all. So, this morning, I noticed that my ivory mouse had finally given birth. Three of the babies had been chewed up already and five were left alive. I waited to see who the cannibal mouse was once and for all.
Soon enough, I found out which one it was; The one I had already dubbed "The Retarded One" and had already felt she needed to be culled from the colony. I give it that name because it tended to be the one the others picked on and I guess I found out why. I pulled her from the colony, euthanized her and gave her to Double Zee who I am having put back on weight after his "breeding fast".

Another thing I realized this morning is after one of my mice in the colored colony gave birth and had her babies eaten, she has obsessively been licking her belly. Poor thing!
Grats on catching the little devil. I have had the same problem in the past and it just started up again. The next time one gives birth, I am going to set up a camera to catch the culprit.
Sometimes mouse stresses to give birth in group and eats her own babies and some female mouse has character fault and eats her babies every time. This kind of insane mouse isn't good to use breeding, and little bit frustrating too. Also some group members eats them buddy's babies.

I recommed that you move every pregnant mouse give birth in her on box.
Sometimes mouse stresses to give birth in group and eats her own babies and some female mouse has character fault and eats her babies every time. This kind of insane mouse isn't good to use breeding, and little bit frustrating too. Also some group members eats them buddy's babies.

I recommed that you move every pregnant mouse give birth in her on box.

I recommend just culling her. I have never had an issue with letting my females give birth in a colony situation. Occasionly one female might eat a baby, so cull her. I find it hard to start with a small amount of mice. The larger the colony the more of a chance the babies have (for sure if you have an older female mouse or two in the colony). The only down fall is that some mice steal babies and lay claim to them.
I tryed moving a mother mouse once and had lots of issues with re-intro. So if you move a pinkies and mom or remove all the others, Not saying it is wrong to do so, expect possible difficulties.
I just leave the mice in their colonies. After I got rid of the one, no other babies went missing, even from the first-time mommies. The black mouse has never harmed any other mouse's babies. She is actually a good nanny.
I just leave the mice in their colonies. After I got rid of the one, no other babies went missing, even from the first-time mommies. The black mouse has never harmed any other mouse's babies. She is actually a good nanny.

Very good to hear. One of my rats just had another litter and no cannibalism :cheers:. The mother is being extremely protective though. All of the other rats are on the other side of the cage :laugh:. She's a good mama.