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Freaking out about slight tremors!


New member
Tonight after feeding Nightmare, he started doing this cute thing where he was rubbing his face on the bottom of his critter keeper. He had just eaten a pinky and then a half pinky, and there was a tiny drop of blood at the corner of his mouth, so I thought perhaps he was trying to wipe his face. but then he lifted his head and I noticed that he had a slight tremor. It wasn't through his whole body, just the top part by his head. He did that for a couple seconds, and then he lowered his head and rubbed his face a little more, and then he raised his head and did the slight tremble again. After that, he lowered his head and started rubbing his face again, and that was it for the trembling. When he raised his head again, it was gone. I watched him in the critter keeper for a few minutes, and he was acting normal except for more face rubbing. I put him back in the viv, and kept watching him. He did a bit more face rubbing, slithered around a bit, acting totally normal. I was curious since I had never seen him do the face rubbing or trembling, so I started searching to see if anyone else had posted about these behaviors. It seems that the face rubbing is quite normal, and he may indeed have been cleaning his face, as well as realigning his jaw. What freaks me out, is that I read some stuff about stargazing, neurological problems, and IBD. (Are those all the same thing, or are there other neurological issues?) Now I am all worried. I have been checking on him every couple of minutes, and he is acting normal. No more face rubbing, or tremors, or anything. He's just roaming the viv, trying to choose a spot to hang out and digest. So please tell me that a tiny bit of trembling, just after eating, could be something other than a problem. Could he have been doing it on purpose because he felt the drop of blood on his face, or because his jaw was misaligned? I am all worried now. Nightmare is such a cool little guy. He is tiny, but has such a big personality! Yesterday, when I was holding him, he was doing his thing, crawling over my hands as I placed them one in front of the other, when all of a sudden, he stopped, and then began to raise his head up and out, directly toward my face. His little tongue was just flicking away, and I swear if I'd have leaned in just a little, he would have licked/sniffed my lips. We looked at each other for a moment, and then he slowly moved his entire body backwards. That is yet another cute thing he has been doing lately. It's as if he just figured out that he can move backwards. I'm sure everyone on this forum cares about their snakes, so I am hoping you all have patience with me and my many questions and ramblings. Hopefully, someone can ease my mind and let me know if I have any real reason to worry, or if I am just being paranoid. As I write this, Nightmare seems to have completed his rounds, having circled the viv a few times, gone into his little moist moss cave twice, crawled through his tube cave, climbed his tree, and has now settled himself in his log hide on the warm side. I apologize if I sound like a total nut. I just worry. I am really hoping someone can ease my mind a bit.
Well I am not the one to ease your mind... It may just been a coincidence or most likely esp since you are taking so good care of him. I would however keep an eye on him and look for it again but that is me. <3 I hope he's ok.. if in doubt take him to the vet to have him checked out so you catch anything early..
Okay. Darn! I really hope he is okay! I haven't seen him do anything like this again, but he hasn't been as active as usual because he is in blue phase. He has just been going from his warm hide to his wet hide, and then back. I have been checking on him, but trying not to disturb him either. I will definitely keep watching him. Luckily, there is a vet near me that sees snakes, and I was surprised at how reasonable his rates were. I was expecting the price to be sky high, since snakes are more "exotic." If I have to take him in, I will.
My snow corn, Queso, does something similar. At first I thought he was wiping his face & catching on the plastic feeding tub, but... not so much anymore. Tonight he ate and did it way more than usual. My stepdaughter thought he was having a seizure. We call it the "twitches". It's just his head, though. I'll have to try to remember to video his feeding next weekend.

This snake constantly worries me! I bought him from a reptile expo a few weeks back. I'd actually seen him in a shop a month or so before, but didn't buy him because he was making slight clicking noises sporadically. I figured he had an RI, and didn't want to buy a sick snake. Well, fast forward to the expo, and I just loved him so much. Since moving out of his stinky 10 gallon at the reptile shop, he's living in luxury in a 20 gallon, has a huge water dish he can also bathe in (which he does), and I recently upped his light bulb to 150 watt (plus a UTH). I'm hoping he gets better after he sheds (eyes were cloudy tonight, so sometime soon), but I worry about him.

His head is considerably larger than first corn snake. It almost looks kind of bulgy around the sides, or muscular. Wide jaw? He's a voracious eater (one F/T adult mouse weekly), and seems healthy otherwise. I just hope that he's not neurologically damaged due to getting cold or something - the heat mat I bought him broke, and I didn't know when it happened. I replaced it ASAP, but... it probably got as low as 65 F in my house at night when I discovered it not working. Ahh, springtime in Minnesota.

Anyways, I hope your guy is okay! I've been doing lots of reading on this site, and googling and watching youtube videos of snake seizures & other issues. I am normally a worry wart, so maybe I am overreacting.
When I read your post the other day I was going to ask when he had his last shed :)

Usually you see a lot of face rubbing and even head shaking (tremor like) when they're getting ready to shed. Snakes head swell (with blood) to expand the shed and start the shedding process. Since he just went in blue maybe it was just a premature action in the shed cycle. Don't disturb him to much and see how he is after this shed.
Thank you so much. That might be what it was because the day he had that shaking thing, was the first day he started going into his wet hide. I will still keep an eye on him just in case.
Wow. Nightmare finally shed. I felt like that took forever! I was getting so nervous. Then today, I opened the viv, and there was his skin, at last. I checked to be sure the eye caps and tail tip came off, and then it was feeding time. I think he was really hungry. He ate his two pinkies with no trouble at all, and no tremor issues. I am starting to feel a little better about it.