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Free editing programs?


Cool Kid
I don't have the money to buy something nice right now (like Photoshop) but I've really been wanting a fairly nice photo editing program.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any good, free programs?

Or, even a pretty cheap one, in the $20 range.

I use paint.net ...it works for a lot of projects ...not sure if its what your looking for but its free and they have a pretty good forum with lots of free effects etc.
I use picasa to do my photo editing but I am a very basic user so I can't really say if it would have what you would need. It is free and it seems to be pretty straight forward.
I've heard a lot of people say "Gimp" is good, I've never used it, but it may be worth looking into. It's supposed to be quite comparable to Photoshop :shrugs:

GIMP <<<<click the link :)
GIMP should be suitable. I bought a Paint Shop Pro 7 many years back and use that fine, but GIMP should be more similar to photoshop.
GIMP<GIMP,GIMP. Its a very nice program,easy to use,and plus you can find a lot of diff tutorials on youtube. I've been using Gimp for almost 3 yrs now.