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frog pictures


New member









I always enjoy your pictures. I think the third one is my favourite; love the contrast between the green and black.
Absolutely amazing photos! I like the last photo best, I think... he/she is in such a funny position (sleeping?), and the eyes look like they're wrapped in gold foil. :)

Are they part of your collection or from the wild? Guessing at least a few are captive, judging by the backgrounds - but seeing as you're from Costa Rica, I imagine wild frogs are easy to find. ;) I spent a week in Costa Rica some years ago, and was amazed at the rich wildlife... even in the city (San Jose) there were parrots and frogs everywhere! Such a wonderful place, and I can't wait to go back someday.
Wow! I said this in another post, and I'll say it here - reptile eyes are COOL! In the last picture, the eyes look like gold-foil!
Absolutely amazing photos! I like the last photo best, I think... he/she is in such a funny position (sleeping?), and the eyes look like they're wrapped in gold foil. :)

Are they part of your collection or from the wild? Guessing at least a few are captive, judging by the backgrounds - but seeing as you're from Costa Rica, I imagine wild frogs are easy to find. ;) I spent a week in Costa Rica some years ago, and was amazed at the rich wildlife... even in the city (San Jose) there were parrots and frogs everywhere! Such a wonderful place, and I can't wait to go back someday.

In the last shot that frog isn't sleeping. I think he is looking at my lens saying "what is that thing".

I am not from Costa Rica. I am from New Orleans, I just work in Costa Rica. All of these frogs are wild, some are just photographed in urban areas such as walls of a building at night. I hope you get to go back to Costa Rica, it is a very special place with insane biodiversity. I feel very lucky to spend time down there.

Thanks so much everyone for the comments.