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Funny Horror Story...ewwww! Lol


New member
Earlier today, I was attempting to enjoy my lunch and watch some football when I heard someone rip the loudest a** ever! I looked around because I was alone to see if it was one of the cats. Low and behold I look over at my Dallas, and there he is with his tail in the air releasing his load. He just looked at me like whaaaaat?

Needless to say I couldn't finished my lunch. I just laughed it off but was seriously like wtf?!

Funny, nasty, & a true story... -___-
Lol. My first snake Rune did this once...it was hysterical. I heard the loudest farting sound and thought it was my dog...newp...loudest snake fart E.V.A.R.
Oh man I've been there, several times, and with a much larger snake. People never believe me when I say that snakes fart.
Oh man I've been there, several times, and with a much larger snake. People never believe me when I say that snakes fart.

LMFAO!!! I can imagine!! I was telling my friend who has snakes and he said his bigger females and boas are bad at that!! Lol