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Fuzzies vs. pinkies and the smell of poop


New member
I moved my motley (Marien) up to fuzzies for her last two feedings. She got them down just fine. I was handling her yesterday, three days after I had fed her. As I started to take her out of the viv, I saw the vent start to open up, so I held her over the viv as she took a dump. And can I just say, MY GOD, IT STUNK TO HIGH HEAVEN!!! It never smelled like that when she was eating pinks!!! Does anyone else notice this or do I just have a sensitive sense of smell?
I think the poop does smell a little stronger mainly because there's more of it. Usually, pinkies leave very little to poop, while a fuzzy now has a little hair, and a bit more bone and such. It might also be that you haven't been around when they've had a fresh poop....in which case.....lucky you!