Hey guys,
I need a hug & some advice from this amazing community!
First off, I'd like to apologize for the length if this post, I am rather verbose on a good day, & I get down right obsessive when it concerns my babies, esp Gaia.
I will try to bold (or otherwise denote) important questions & points as we go.
Here is the post of when I first rescued Gaia:
As of 4-9-2014, she is ~52" & 715g*
Her weigh in before this was ~651g, I cannot find record of it ANYWHERE, much to my chagrin, it was anytime Jan-March. (UGH)
She is ~4-5 years old.
Last shed was during Christmas break.
Basic Husbandry -
Exo Terra 36"Wx18"Dx18"H*
2+ cool hides
1+ warm hide
2 lg fake plants
1 hammock
1 lg Water bowl on cool side
1+ wood elements
Feeding Routine-
She is always fed in my bathtub.
I have been feeding f/t small rats from Petco since I brought her home, as these fit the ~1.5 times the thickest part of the snake feeding rule.
When I first got her & she was emaciated & weak, I fed ~5 days, stretching out to every 5-7, then she has been on 7-10 days since January, & in March I tried to stretch to 10-14 day interval.
She doesn't seem a fan of ~14 days, so the current plan is to feed ~10 days, alternating between the small rats & the much smaller adult mice each week, to avoid obesity - with the higher fat content in rats.
Any thoughts on that feeding regime?
The week of March 16, she started showing heightened activity, progressing to rubbing her nose on the screen top, which she has never done.
Frankly, her behavior is consistent with what is reported in males during breeding season; no aggression, but constant roaming, nose rubbing, & food refusal.
I know she is not a male, as she laid a clutch of slugs in May 2012, & Summer 2013, though she has never been bred.*
March 21(last ingestion), I was leaving for the weekend & decided to feed her, in case the increased activity was hunting from hunger, though it was a little early. She ate a small rat.
April 3 (+13 days since last ingestion), she was offered a small rat & refused it. She has never to my knowledge refused a meal before this.*
It's been almost 20 days since last ingestion. I am fully aware snakes can go far longer without eating & be perfectly healthy, I have simply never had this animal refuse food.
Is this abnormal behavior & food refusal from an urge to breed, though she is female?
Could she once again be gravid with slugs?
Could being gravid cause these behaviors?
I'm going to monitor her weight frequently, I do believe it has taken an odd jump in the past month or so.
Enrichment -
Gaia's enclosure is rearranged with every major cleaning (every few months).
Gaia is handled very often, allowed supervised roaming in the living room, on my bed, & outside.
At the beginning of each handling session, I place her in the grass outside (weather/temperature permitting) within ~5 minutes, she relieves herself, & I can handle her without fear of excrement!
I rather like having a potty trained snake! :laugh:
When temperatures are appropriate, I supervise her in the grass & leaf mold in the yard for extended sessions ~20 - 40 minutes.
No chemicals are used on the yard, chickens & dogs run the yard, & may defecate in the area (NOT when Gaia is out there). There are also tons of mole hills.
She LOVES rubbing her head into & under grass blades, dirt, & leaves; which is why she gets a deep layer of aspen in her enclosure, she likes diving through it like a sea serpent.
Scale Rot
Given her past neglect, & my obsessive tendencies with Gaia, I regularly examine her entire body for any abnormalities.
March 23 is when I first noticed indications of scale rot, 3 spots ventrally on her scutes, in the first ~3" behind her head.
April 7 more spots have appeared, still on her ventral aspect, reaching ~1/3 down her body.
Treatment -
My Chlorhexidine solution (2% Chlorhexidine gluconate) finally arrived today.
Proper Dilution is 1 ounce(2 tablespoons) per gallon of water.
Per an exotic DVM's instructions, I shall treat her with the dilute every few days, drying her before putting her back in her cage.
Plan on repeating at least 2 weeks past visible marks.
Any opinions?
Sanitation -
Cage: empty & spray with vinegar-water solution, let sit, then wipe & repeat.
Plastic Decor: vinegar-water solution scrub; set on foil in direct sun
Water Bowl: dishwasher, top rack; set on foil in direct sun
Wood: vinegar-water solution scrub; bake in oven @ 250F for ~30 min; repeat
Any practices you would recommend adding/changing?
Hospital Cage -
Single layer paper towel substrate
water bowl: doubles as cool side hide
tupperware humid hide (filled with damp paper towels) on warm side of tank
cardboard/otherwise disposable additional hide(s)
Any recommendations for her hospital tank?
How often should I change out paper towel?
How often should I sanitize cage & plastic accessories?
I plan on continuing hospital enclosure at least until visible marks recede.
Possible Causes/How to Avoid Another Recurrence -
With her heightened activity, she was slopping water into the aspen.
Feb/March had several wet days, & if temperatures were good, I still took her outside to wander the yard.
Should I avoid her outdoor 'walks' altogether?
Should I avoid the outdoors on days with wet ground?
Any comments, thoughts, opinions, etc are greatly appreciated!
As thanks,please enjoy this picture of Gaia being silly while she was hitching a ride as I did laundry:
I need a hug & some advice from this amazing community!
First off, I'd like to apologize for the length if this post, I am rather verbose on a good day, & I get down right obsessive when it concerns my babies, esp Gaia.
I will try to bold (or otherwise denote) important questions & points as we go.
Here is the post of when I first rescued Gaia:
As of 8-20-2013, she was ~50" & 390 grams.
As of 4-9-2014, she is ~52" & 715g*
Her weigh in before this was ~651g, I cannot find record of it ANYWHERE, much to my chagrin, it was anytime Jan-March. (UGH)
She is ~4-5 years old.
Last shed was during Christmas break.
Basic Husbandry -
Exo Terra 36"Wx18"Dx18"H*
*She LOVES this tank, she explores every inch of it, & I find her sleeping everywhere, she is definitely a corn snake that enjoys room
Cool Side: 70-76F**Depending on time of day/night & season, never ever falls under/over this range
Hot Spot: directly over UTH ~90F(never over 95F)**Gaia & I fought over this a long time, & her behavior indicates she prefers ~90F, rather than the typically suggested 80-85F.
3-4" Aspen2+ cool hides
1+ warm hide
2 lg fake plants
1 hammock
1 lg Water bowl on cool side
1+ wood elements
Feeding Routine-
She is always fed in my bathtub.
I have been feeding f/t small rats from Petco since I brought her home, as these fit the ~1.5 times the thickest part of the snake feeding rule.
When I first got her & she was emaciated & weak, I fed ~5 days, stretching out to every 5-7, then she has been on 7-10 days since January, & in March I tried to stretch to 10-14 day interval.
She doesn't seem a fan of ~14 days, so the current plan is to feed ~10 days, alternating between the small rats & the much smaller adult mice each week, to avoid obesity - with the higher fat content in rats.
Any thoughts on that feeding regime?
The week of March 16, she started showing heightened activity, progressing to rubbing her nose on the screen top, which she has never done.
Frankly, her behavior is consistent with what is reported in males during breeding season; no aggression, but constant roaming, nose rubbing, & food refusal.
I know she is not a male, as she laid a clutch of slugs in May 2012, & Summer 2013, though she has never been bred.*
March 21(last ingestion), I was leaving for the weekend & decided to feed her, in case the increased activity was hunting from hunger, though it was a little early. She ate a small rat.
April 3 (+13 days since last ingestion), she was offered a small rat & refused it. She has never to my knowledge refused a meal before this.*
*exception being while she was in my exes care, fed live, & the mice died en route, she refused on 2 separate occasions in 2012 when that happened
April 7 (+17 days since last ingestion) she was offered a f/t adult mouse & refused. It's been almost 20 days since last ingestion. I am fully aware snakes can go far longer without eating & be perfectly healthy, I have simply never had this animal refuse food.
Is this abnormal behavior & food refusal from an urge to breed, though she is female?
Could she once again be gravid with slugs?
Could being gravid cause these behaviors?
I'm going to monitor her weight frequently, I do believe it has taken an odd jump in the past month or so.
Enrichment -
Gaia's enclosure is rearranged with every major cleaning (every few months).
Gaia is handled very often, allowed supervised roaming in the living room, on my bed, & outside.
At the beginning of each handling session, I place her in the grass outside (weather/temperature permitting) within ~5 minutes, she relieves herself, & I can handle her without fear of excrement!
I rather like having a potty trained snake! :laugh:
When temperatures are appropriate, I supervise her in the grass & leaf mold in the yard for extended sessions ~20 - 40 minutes.
No chemicals are used on the yard, chickens & dogs run the yard, & may defecate in the area (NOT when Gaia is out there). There are also tons of mole hills.
She LOVES rubbing her head into & under grass blades, dirt, & leaves; which is why she gets a deep layer of aspen in her enclosure, she likes diving through it like a sea serpent.
Scale Rot
Given her past neglect, & my obsessive tendencies with Gaia, I regularly examine her entire body for any abnormalities.
March 23 is when I first noticed indications of scale rot, 3 spots ventrally on her scutes, in the first ~3" behind her head.
April 7 more spots have appeared, still on her ventral aspect, reaching ~1/3 down her body.
Treatment -
My Chlorhexidine solution (2% Chlorhexidine gluconate) finally arrived today.
Proper Dilution is 1 ounce(2 tablespoons) per gallon of water.
Per an exotic DVM's instructions, I shall treat her with the dilute every few days, drying her before putting her back in her cage.
Plan on repeating at least 2 weeks past visible marks.
Any opinions?
Sanitation -
Cage: empty & spray with vinegar-water solution, let sit, then wipe & repeat.
Plastic Decor: vinegar-water solution scrub; set on foil in direct sun
Water Bowl: dishwasher, top rack; set on foil in direct sun
Wood: vinegar-water solution scrub; bake in oven @ 250F for ~30 min; repeat
Any practices you would recommend adding/changing?
Hospital Cage -
Single layer paper towel substrate
water bowl: doubles as cool side hide
tupperware humid hide (filled with damp paper towels) on warm side of tank
cardboard/otherwise disposable additional hide(s)
Any recommendations for her hospital tank?
How often should I change out paper towel?
How often should I sanitize cage & plastic accessories?
I plan on continuing hospital enclosure at least until visible marks recede.
Possible Causes/How to Avoid Another Recurrence -
With her heightened activity, she was slopping water into the aspen.
Feb/March had several wet days, & if temperatures were good, I still took her outside to wander the yard.
Should I avoid her outdoor 'walks' altogether?
Should I avoid the outdoors on days with wet ground?
Any comments, thoughts, opinions, etc are greatly appreciated!
As thanks,please enjoy this picture of Gaia being silly while she was hitching a ride as I did laundry: