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garter numbers?


Deuce is watching!
Just a general observance. I have not seen as many garters this year. Also I have noticed more frequent toad sightings. Anyone experiencing anything similar?
Observations around the house. We have garters, adult and babies, that hang in our yard. Saw an adult for the first time last week basking. No babies though. I'm hoping the adult garter I saw dead in the road later was not her/him.
Toad sightings have been like a Alfred Hitchcock movie! Can't take two steps without nearly stepping on one especially the penny toads.
We've had almost no Rough Earth Snakes and Ringnecks, but tons of toads and frogs, and I've heard from other people that garters are scarce as well. We've seen one ribbon snake, and that's it. Last year, we could go outside on almost any sunny day, brush back long grass on the garden borders, and find a couple dozen Earth snakes and ringnecks.

I'm wondering if the cold winter was really hard on the smaller snakes?