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Generic Overused New User Hello and Intro~


Shameless Addict
Hi~ :D

I am Mur (nickname, but what I commonly go by), and I am one of those overly-curious collectors of living things (dead things aren't as fun, but still interesting--I have a small, quirky collection of bones, too, but that's not why we're here). I have been around critters all my life: my mother had a dog when I was born that she had had for forever; I got a cat when I was 6 who only recently had to be put down (RIP Sniffles. :,[ ); my dad found a litter of stray kittens under his car that he took in; I picked up a stray dog once in a park and fell in love with and kept her after no one claimed her (unfortunately, she had to stay with my ex); I used to breed gerbils; my ex and his family had a string of animals: a dog, a parrot, a couple of bunnies, a pair of scorpions, an anole, a guinea pig that became two guinea pigs after we adopted a rescue to keep it company, two separate tanks of fish (saltwater and fresh), a ball python he got that I think I liked more than he did, and his brother bred snakes, owning 2 ball pythons, an albino and a normal het albino, and a range of boas including a breeding pair of dumerils, a brazilian rainbow boa that was the single sweetest thing EVER, a gorgeous sunglow, and a few others.

A few years later...I missed snakes. :( So, after enjoying the local reptile expo and browsing (and a few puppy-dog faces at my boyfriend later), I acquired a gorgeous female butter stripe corn who stood out to me. I don't think I'd ever seen a snake quite so yellow, and I like the way she handled (not as jumpy as a few of the others I peeked at). She has been affectionately named Butters because...well...she derps, and does things that make my boyfriend say "g**d*mmit, Butters!". xD I also have a random gecko I picked up at work because he was on the floor scared out of his little mind, and a couple of mice that me feeders because I was tired of outrageous feeder prices and I missed breeding rodents. :p We're in the market to get Butters a future boyfriend soon. Lurked around the site a bit, finally decided to sign up, and finally decided to post an intro. :p

Anywho~ Butters is currently about 9 months old, showing more and more gorgeous yellows with every shed, and was 31 g this morning before I fed her. ^_^ Enough babble, on to pics! :D


This one's her actual colors, without flash, in daylight...but she moved. >.<


And everything else is washed out because of her light. xP But she's still my pretty gal~ <3


Close-up of her head marking, which looks like a lil sparrow to me. ^_^ (In the above pic, it looks like it's flying.)


Aaaand om-nom-nom time. She's such a good lil eater. ^_^
