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genetics on pastels


New member
I was just curious about pastels- what is the genetic backround? I read what was in the cornsnake manual about them being motley only- the reason i ask is every pic i have seen so far looks like a ghost... are they hypo/anery or do they just look like that in the pics?
Pastels are ghosts that show alot of pink. The term is most often associated with ghost motleys, but, IMO, could be used to describe any ghost regardless of pattern. My adult male ghost motley was sold to me as a pastel motley, but his coloration isn't anywhere as pink as my normal patterned adult ghost female. A high percentage of their offspring show alot of pink as well, but whether it came from "Mom" &/or "Dad", I can't be sure.

I did breed "Dad" to his oldest daughter (who is not very pink) this year and the results were intersting...the normal patterned hatchlings tended to be fairly dark ghosts and didn't show much inclination towards becoming pink. However, all 4 ghost motleys were much lighter in color and will probably become definate pastels. I only kept one of these and, when I get a decent digital camera, will post some pics of her.

In the meantime, my avatar is of my pastel ghost het motley male and below is "Mom" (her real name is Why and came from the "Y" pattern on her head. OK, I admit it, I was in a very strange mood when I named her.) and the oldest daughter (Fantasia - the smaller one). The pic was taken in the late spring of 2002.
And if you're curious, this is "Dad" (real name is Casper...I know, not very original, but it fits since he is extremely shy).
thanks for clearing that up:)
GREAT looking snakes!!
I am definitely interested in ghosts- they are probably my fav. morph- and i tend to favor heavily the pinkish/ peachish side. I don't really like the really silvery ones as much...I have a 1.0 ghost named casper, too (good name);) and i am looking to breed him with a good-lookin female that is on the pink (pastel?)side like he is. he has a nice clean brown border on his saddles, and he kinda tends toward a zigzag pattern in some areas. I'd like to work on that trait as well! I'm going to try to borrow a digital camera to take some pics soon.
PS- are you selling any ghost babies?:D

one of my "pastel" ghost motleys should probably be called just a "ghost motley." She is fairly dark for a ghost, but was sold to me as a pastel motley. Now, I am not complaining because I DID see a picture of her beforehand, and I just loved her. She's a great little snake!


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"Pastel" Ghost

Here is a pic. of my female "Pastel" Ghost. Ghost corns with the light pink colorations like this are usually termed "Pastel"

Walter :)


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Walter- I am looking to buy a female just like yours- I have a male that i reallly would like to breed... he's gorgeous- very similar to yours... I'm trying to get a camera so i can post a pic.
limey said:
umm she looks like a standard anery a stripe/motley, very nice :)

She is, however, from 2 pastel ghost parents. She is not quite as dark as she looks in the picture, though.
Those snakes are gorgeous.

OK...so I was told before that the "brownish-yellow" ghosts were also pastel. I'll post a picture of another one of my "pastel" motleys. Please let me know what you think.


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This is my pastel motley. I wish I had a nice pastel motley femal to breed him to. He was sold to me as a regular ghost. He was mislabeled and a girl at that store showed it te me and said "Buy this one, my boss didn't saw that he is motley" I'm so glad that I've listen to her. His turnig more pink every shed.


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We're thinking alike! I, too, have a female ghost showing some zigzag pattern, which I'm hoping to reproduce and expand upon!

yes she's really got the zigzag going on!! I like it! My male only has a little bit of pattern disruption- man i really need to get some pics loaded! but i noticed that many pastel ghosts do have that 'crazy little thing' going on :D I love it... i haven't been able to find a female pastel with the crazy patterning, though. Too bad you live on the 'opposite side of the planet' from me!:( In the future, though, keep me in mind for her babies!!