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Genetics Project (School)

Snake Queen

rakes snock!
Hi all.... I've been away from the board for a while, but I'm back! :)

I am a Senior in High School, and at my school we must complete a graduation project, which includes a paper, presentation, and product. I have chosen the following topic for my research : To research the development and expression of the genetic color traits in cornsnakes.

I need a "mentor" for this paper. All it entails is someone to read my paper, and make sure it makes sense, and they should have some knowledge of what I'm writing about. This doesn't have to mean emailing each other every week and talking about menial stuff. The paper will not be written for about 2 months, but the mentor will also breifly reveiw my information gathered. All advice given to me is subject to rconsideration, btw.

I realize that Rich, like many other breeders, is EXTREMELY busy right now, so that is why I'm opening the floor to people I do not know about. Please, no novice owners. I need someone who knows about the workings of cornsnake color genetics. If there is anyone willing to aid me, please email me or reply to this post. if anyone knows anyone who would be able to help me, also let me know.

For those of you who do not wish to undertake the "mentor" position, it would be wonderful if anyone who knew about places to get information pertaining to the development and expression of the color traits. (I have already used Serpenco, serpwidgets.com and the Love's book)

Thank you for reading this lengthy post, and I appreciate any help whatsoever.
Sounds like fun. If you haven't already gotten a volunteer, I'd be glad to help out. :)

Being somewhat of a grammar nazi, I'm a pretty good proofreader, too. ;)

I'm also open to being emailed (by anyone, anytime) to talk about "menial" stuff. It keeps the material fresh in my head. :D
Thank you! I do have a full time "mentor" now, who I can visit in person, but I could definately use your help. Your info in genetics on your site is awesome, so I might email you with some questions about clarifying the whole genetics process. :cool: