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Getting first cornsnake(s)


New member
Hi, I've been reading the forums for about a week now and have been wanting to get a corn snake for a while. Well i turn 18 on Wednesday and I'm finally getting one and my girlfriend wants to get me another . :D We went to a petshop and they have 2 of them for sale. Not sure on the species, one is red and orange and the other is black and white. My question is since the two of them are already housed togther, is it safe to keep them together or should i quarantine them separately for a month?

Welcome to the forums!

And congratulations on getting your first cornsnake! And Happy Birthday (a few days early)!!

OK...now for your question...

Most of the people here believe it is best to ALWAYS keep them separate. There are many things that can go wrong when snakes are housed together. Here are some threads which help to explain why it is best to keep them separate:



Clint Boyer's site has pics on it of cannibalism among corns.

These are just a few threads. There are many more. I suggest doing a search of this site for "housing together" and read up on the subject. I believe there are many more reasons to keep them separate than there are to keep them together. Ultimately, the decision is yours, though.
I have one corn and I'm due to get a 2nd soon. Like has been said there are reasons why you shouldn't house them togehter, mainly caniibalism but I was told I could keep two together because they'll be about the same size and the risks are pretty low if they're around the same size. At the end of the day it's your call but I would advise look through another post on housing them together I can't remember the location but just search for it in the forums and I'm sure it'll come up also speak to the place you're buying them from :)

I can't remember if I saw the answer to the species or not but the orangy one will be an amelanisitc (no black) and the black and white will be anerythristic (no reds) hope this was some help to you :)

Good Luck with getting them - you'll love em!

Whoa, those pictures are really shocking. I thought that king snakes were the main cannibals minus larger species snakes eating smaller ones.. Guess i was wrong lol. Well these two are the same size, but I think it's quite safer to house them separately. I'm going to get the orange and red one for now as I only have one tank. Gonna get the other guy in a few weeks:) . I would like eventually try out a breeding, not to like become a breeder but just to try it. Would be cool to have a some hatchlings. Well thanks for the info guys and the happy bday. I'll keep you all updated when I get him/her on wednesday. I'll take some pictures to so hopefully someone can help me guess the sex of it, lol.
actually the red orange could one be an amel but it's is probably a normal. congrats.
Got my corn!

Heheheh I got my first corn snake today :D . My girlfriend found out about another pet shop and we checked it out. They had 2 small corns. One was black and greenm the other albino. I went for the albino :) . He/she is under a foot long. Seems really young. The shop said they got the two of them in last week. Something that kind of weirded me was when i asked when it was fed last, the guy said they gave them some crickets yesterday. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought they did not eat crickets. He said he was not sure if it ate any. So i took it home, took some pictures before i put it in the tank, and (s)he's just wandering around it's new home now :) . I'm obviously no expert but from what i saw, on the underbelly the little cut in the skin (vent right?) is going up and down rather than sideways. Don't know if that is different between males and females. Well I'll have the pictures here by friday. Going to Ozzfest in 8 hours heheh, so can't develop them tomorrow. But i'll have em up sometime friday evening. Hopefully someone can help me determine it's sex. Also, any name suggestions? I'm blank lol.

The shop said they got the two of them in last week. Something that kind of weirded me was when i asked when it was fed last, the guy said they gave them some crickets yesterday.

You are lucky that they only had them a week. Obviously these people didn't have a clue. Was this pet shop clean? If not, then I would be careful to make sure that your cornsnake didn't pick up mites or something.

I suggest that you give your snake a couple of days to adjust to his new home, and then try feeding him. Since the people you bought from are not capable of giving you correct advise, then it would be a good idea to refer to the care sheets that you find in different internet sites to educate yourself on your new snake.

Anyway, enjoy your new snake, and I hope everything goes well.
Yeah I've been reading some care sheets. He's really really small, so i dont even think he could eat a pinky. I heard that tails are good. So i may try that in a couple days...
Post those pictures please! What did you mean about the vent going 'up and down' sounds odd to me.
Are you sure it is a cornsnake? I ask because other snakes have a "split" vent scale...kingsnakes, for example.
Sounds like the "slit" may be the remnant of where the yolk sac was attached, and not the vent at all? a pic would settle it.
Another thing...has anyone ever seen a black and GREEN cornsnake? That makes me think that it's not a cornsnake, too. Or at least not 100% cornsnake.
I just handled my corn for the first time since i put him/her into its tank :) . It was jumpy for a few minutes but calmed down somewhat after some time. Still got nervous anytime i tried touching it with my free hand. Maybe after a couple weeks of handling it will mellow down alot more. I''ll have the pictures up tonight, just want to take some more and use the rest of the shots. I really need a name lol, but kinda need the sex for that i suppose lol. It's a red albino by the way.:D Gonna go to the pet shop later and either try to find a really small pinky, or if i don't, i'll try a tail. I'll keep you all posted.
it doesn't sound like a corn to me either- did you say they had a greenish one? (there are technically no green cornsnakes) it could be a different kind- garter and ribbon snakes eat some insects, i believe (mostly earthworms i think) Who knows w/ out the pics- obviously not the guy at the pet store:eek: :D
He finally ate!

Well finally after like 6 hours he finally ate. I had gotten a pinky yesterday morning and he totally refused to eat, all he would do is like stick his head under it and then leave it alone. After various tries i decided to hold the pinky by the tail with some tweezers and hold the snake by his neck and held it in front of his face. After about 10 seconds of this, he totally went for it :D . I'm less nervous now:) . I got those pictures back and they came out really blurry. I was using a disposable camera. So, I'm gonna buy a digital camera Monday. Sorry for the delay.