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Getting to a point....


New member
Ok so my new corn is one of those super jumpy types and every time i try to handle it it moves so fast that it actually scares me a little, she has bit me once and i thought nothing of it other than the shock. She's been in my care now for about 2 1/2 weeks and ive only held her twice. Its my nerves that go cause she is sooo jumpy! I know this sounds daft but how can i get round my own nerves? I dont want this to get to a point that she is rarely handled. I think that she is managing to condition me where as it should be the other way around! lol
Anyone who has ideas of how to get around being so nervous about handling please give me some ideas.
Maybe try just stroking her in the cage a few times to calm her down/reassure yourself? Or possibly handling her with gloves for a while? I don't know, because I haven't handled one myself yet, but just a couple of logical points that spring to mind.
I have a corn that rattles, moves fast, and has struck at me before. Even though I have been keeping snakes for a while it's still hard not to have this involuntary knee-jerk reaction when she strikes at me. I usually make a fist when I put my hand in there so it will look too big to be food, then I try to ignore her theatrics and just pick her up. Usually she calms down once I am handling her, I just keep working with her hoping she will mellow out. Though she is not my favorite snake to handle I probably handle her more often than any other corn because I want to tame her down. I believe they can sense fear and it is easy to get them even more freaked out so you just need to make yourself do it, pick up that snake and ignore those stomach butterflies...
Ditto on the gloves. I use them on feeding day as my snakes are pretty hungry by then. The gloves especially in the bigger ones don't prevent a bite but make me feel calmer. During the week when I take them out if they are jumpy I use the gloves just to get them, once out they calm down, gloves come off and we all have a good time. :crazy02: susan
Done it

Well, to make me look swissy my girlfriend did it for me n now shes in my hands lol. finally not too fussed about holding her, big sigh of relief going on here it was gettin to me a litlle.
I suggest you do not try to pet it while it is in the cage. It is more likely to be nervous and bite if you do that. Just handle it while holding it over the top of the cage and if it jumps (or if you do!), then it will just slide back into the cage - no big deal.

Please look at the link below to see my FAQ on handling and taming babies (also have some other FAQs here that you may find helpful):

Good Luck!
Don't feel bad about being nervous, you aren't alone. I love snakes, always have, but had never owned my own until recently. The first time I went to pick mine up I was very nervous (didn't help that this particular snake is very flighty and will rattle his tail and strike at me). I actually had to have Joe (CaptBogart) get him out for me the first time. I have found though that every time I go to handle him, or any of the others for that matter, I feel more confident in my own abilities and less worried/nervous about what the snake is going to do. Take your time, don't rush and enjoy what you are doing.
A lot of the more experienced owners also will be able to give you good advice. (Like Kathy Love's post above)
Ditto the advice given. Just to make you feel better though. I have one female that I've called the Psycho B**** well, for obvious reasons if you ever saw her. She rattled, musked and bit for a long time. Now that she's gotten a little older she has mellowed alot. Take your time and try to hold firmly. Relax! Your snake will mellow out in no time.
The last step before buying my first corn was to head to the pet store and actually handle one. It was the first snake I had ever handled. Well, sure enough, it bit me. It didn't hurt, but it certainly scared the hell out of me. I guess my advice is to be persistent. He'll settle down eventually. I got a corn anyway (a very tame one, thankfully :)) and I'm very glad I did.