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getting to know


senior member
hi all

how can i introduce my two corn snakes they are being kept in separate vivs but would like to take some pics of them together can this be done? i have a snow corn @2ft and a carolina corn @3.5ft

Just pop them into the same enclosure. Nothing much is going to happen, one might start running (sliding) away from the other but other than that, nothing much.......if one is a male and the other is a female they might even want to breed....hahah
Whenever I introduce mine, they make quick jerky movements with their heads. This only happens with the ones that aren't housed together, though. Nothing to worry about...the way I see it, it's a way of communicating.:)
I agree, none of my snakes (colubrinae)react fine when indroduced briefly sometime not even trying to escape. It's not likely they'll be violent if that it what you were asking. i've noticed the wavery jerking head movements too.
hi all

put the two snakes in the same viv today and got called away came back about 2 hours later and could only see reaper the bigger of the 2 so started looking for devil as he likes burying himself in the beach chippings he normal leaves part of his head out but couldent seem to find him so my hart stoped as i looked at reaper and thought he had eaten him as i saw the chippings move and devil came out seems to be fine. i was thinking about keeping them in the same viv but dont think i will now.