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Ghost Vs Pastel


New member
Hi Everyone,
I got a ghost corn and I know that a ghost is Anery (A) + hypo.
I saw a pastel motley at a herp deeler in my area (I buy all my herps there) . It looks quite like my ghost (half of his body shows kind of a motley patern). The guy at the store coudn't tell me what gene mix are those pastel motley (exept for that motley gene of course, I can only guess that they have some anery too). So can someone out there help me with this?
And by the way, would it be a good choice to breed my ghost to one of those Pastel Motley?


ps please excuse my poor english, I have practice, I Know!!!
The Pastel Motley is actually a Ghost Motley. But I believe that the variety of Ghost used originally was a particular variety of Ghost known as the Pastel Ghost. These tend to have more pinkish colored blotches than regular Snows. Now I have no idea where the Pastel Ghosts originally came from. Were they the Ghosts that resulted from the Pastel Motley project by someone? Of did that someone use this particular variety of Ghost to breed into the Motleys to make the Pastel Motleys.

I got my Pastel Moteys from Marvin Foulkes. I got some Pastel Motleys from Mark Bell. Those were the earliest incidences of my hearing those particular names being used.
Thanks For replying so fast Rich. That's what I was suspected(anery+hypo+motley). My ghost is still just a couple of months old(6,if told me the truth) and he is changing a lot each shed. He got a nice pale grey ground color and grey/brown-pinkish blotches(I wish I had some pics). The Pastel motleys I saw where aproximatively the same age. They display a dackest ground color, less contrast between ground and blotches colors and they were yet showing a yellowish color at the throat and labials, a trait that didn't showed yet in my ghost.
So for a conclusion, I think that your saying that it could make a good mate for my ghost, Isn't it?
IMO, a pastel motley would be an excellent choice to pair your ghost with.
Whether or not pastel motleys are from any particular line or not is unknown to me. Rich has much more info then I have. When I first got interested in corns, the term "pastel" seemed to be used more to describe very pink colored ghosts, but used almost exclusively in conjunction with motleys.
I purchased a pastel motley several years ago from Mike's Motleys and he was very pink as a sub-adult. However, as an adult, his pink doesn't show as much as it does in some of my adult "regular" ghosts. Most of his offspring show alot of pink, but whether it comes from him or the pink females or both, I can't say. I like to use the term "pastel" to describe any pink ghost, motley or not, but only in my own records. That is, until it becomes more widely used by other breeders to describe their ghosts.
I've attached a pic of my "pastel" ghost and her "not quite so pastel" daughter.
Thanks Susan,
You know, It can be hard for beginners like me to make an idea about those kind of thing. There is so much people, saying all different things. Fortunatly, Rich created a wonderful Forum for this purpose (Rich, I wish I could send you a little financial help for this site... in a couple of month, I promess!)
Your snakes are really nice Susan. The big Mama looks like what I expect my ghost to look like...