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Golddust x blood red = ??

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Well, I thought breeding the Golddust (Ultra Caramel) line into the Blood Reds would be an interesting project. But heck, I really didn't expect to see THIS as a result in the first generation:

Either both parents are het hypo type A (those don't look like standard hypos), or your Bloodred is het Ultra hypo.

Makes for a nice little short cut, ehh?
I have several results of breeding the Golddust (Ultra Caramel) male I got from Mike Shiver into several lines, with some rather entertaining results. All of the clutches haven't hatched, however.

When I have time, I will post the results as best I can. But I hope no one is expecting to come away from this being less confused than they already are now.
Hey Rich,

You are NOT the only one getting these results. Pretty much everyone I've talked to (Don, Mike Panic..., myself) that is breeding the Ultras are getting similar mixes. Furthermore, according to Mike Panic, who got his info from Mike Shiver, most of the original Ultras are only HET ultra (apparently MS only did one ultra-ultra pairing)... It's starting to look as if we've got a dominant (or perhaps co-dominant) hypo gene on our hands.

...and if that isn't enough to give you a headache, it looks as if caramels het ultra don't SHOW the het ultra until after they've grown a bit... at which point they look like ambers. :)



It's starting to look as if we've got a dominant (or perhaps co-dominant) hypo gene on our hands.

Of course, the results I am getting refute this in some instances, and agree in others. But did you expect anything less confusing? :)
I don't suppose you'd be interested in joining our email discussion about ultras, and sharing your results? I agree there's something funny going on, because things aren't 100% predictable based on the above theory, but the more info we all have to look at, the better chance we have of figuring this mess out...

Any reason why you would want to discuss this via email rather then here in public where it can be preserved for later scrutiny? Unless there is a good reason (and you can email me if so), I don't see any reason to exclude some people who may have some outside input to this sort of discussion.

I do intend to post my results with the Ultras (GoldDust) pretty shortly in the genetics/cultivars forum, but so far I only have the data from three clutches. There are more that might provide more insight when they have hatched. I am taking as many photos as I can, since there may be little details I may overlook that might be glaringly obvious to someone else looking at the photos.
I would never have guessed that these results would pop up...
Is it the picture or are those little one's eyes some red and some black like the hypos?

Breeding a Bloodred x Ultra Caramel (GoldDust; is this what its going to be called?) and getting those results are just awesome! I hope that its going to be a co-dominant gene, that would be awesome! First codominant gene in the corn world~
Any reason for me personally? None. I don't know if anyone else is sensitive about their records. I'll have to ask. :)

I would love to hear all the news on this 'investigation', so i hope you guys decide to post in this public forum! So am i getting this right? Ultra might possibly be a co-dominant or even dominant gene.... in some case? :crazy02:

Oh BTW Rich, I personally think Golddust corn is an awesome name, and I know I will have to have some of them in my collection all too soon. :D
I too would like to see the results/discussion made public on this forum. So far, I've printed out every page and every post made on the "Ultra Mystery" thread and am closely following the discussion. Please consider keeping it open. Thanks.

If you check the cultivators section you will see they have been made public and theres alot of pages on it there.
IMO this is another fine example of Ultra X "something het Amel" producing, surprise surprise, non-normals. :D

IMO (according to theory) what you have in that clutch are:
  • Amels (pink eyes, as usual for amels)
  • Ultramels (non-pink eyes, but very extreme hypo-looking)
  • Normals.

The amels are perfectly normal amels, and are not het for Ultra. They are amels het for caramel/blood.


The Ultramels are heterozygous on the same locus for Ultra and Amel, the same way that "motley X stripe" is supposed to make heterozygous non-normals.

If you breed them to a normal, each offspring would be het for either Ultra or Amel, but not both.

If you breed them to each other (ignoring the blood/caramel traits) you should get 1/4 "Hypo" looking, 1/2 Ultramels, and 1/4 standard Amels.


If/when you get more results from Ultras, either way, let us know. :)

I agree with you serp here, just not stuck on the name ultra yet or golddust, how about sawdust hypos (LOL) !!! :shrugs: