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GONE! Extra concern...


Es Macht Nichts
Well, that didn't take long! Caducia has espaped and I have looked in all the places I could think of! I checked under the bed (found a dead snake there! Not mine, don't know what it's doing there), behind the dresser upon which sits her cage, behind and under all objects around the cage and in the closet. I set up a small UTH behind my printer, which is on the floor and has nice hole in the back where she might hide hoping she might go for that. I just hope my cat doesn't get her! I kicked the cat out of my room for the night and I have carpeted floors and can't afford a vaccuum, so flour trails are out of the question. I may put some flour on paper in front of my door to see if she leaves my room. If she hasn't turned up in a week, I may set some food out for her.

I took her out to feed her and I am worried about her because she was acting funny. She ate more slowly than usual (but I got her at a pet store a week ago and I suspect they were underfeeding her, so maybe her appetite is just stabilizing?) She bit the pinkie's head and froze. She didn't move, even when I touched her. I really thought, "Wow, she's 'gone cold.' Wait, how could I tell (hardy har)?" I put her back in her cage and locked the screen on with my 4 locks and stepped out of the room for maybe 3 minutes and came back to an empty cage. Shouldn't she be slightly less active after eating? I have a kitten and I am worried that, they both being nocturnal (supposedly; the kitten hasn't stopped moving since I got him), the kitten will get her. :grabbit:

However, I am grateful I live in Charleston, SC (lots of water and corns are native), so if she gets OUT OUT, she should survive, other wild creatures and diseases notwithstanding.

Any hints, advice, etc on finding her and preventing future escapes?
were your locks still secure? if so then how could she possibly have gotten out? are you sure she isn't hiding in the substrate?
WHEW! FOUND HER! I almost let her out! I was going to take her hide and put it by the door so she might settle there, checked it one last time and there she was! Apparently one of the branches (it's a fake tree) is hollow and she was in there and I just couldn't see her. I am still worried about her eating wierdness this afternoon and open to advice on preventing escapes.
