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got a couple Q's


New member
1) so is newpaper an ok substrate to use over aspen.
2) is making hides/water bowls frowned upon or should I just buy from the store the "real" hides and such.
I know to make it look better you should use the aspen and real hides and such but price wise it's much cheaper to make such things out of milk cartons or w/e. I am torn between going all out and making look good, or just making it comfortable for the snake regardless of looks. If you could give me your 2 cents about this it'd be nice and I am new at this so go easy I might not know everything just yet.
You could use news paper as substrate and make your own hides. No one is going to frown on that. In fact many use cereal boxes, paper towel rolls or tissue boxes. I like to frequent second hand stores a lot of times you can find things cheap that you can use as hides. Couple of my snake have fish decorations from second hand stores. And I like using cheap cat and dog dishes for water dishes instead of the expensive reptile dishes.
I use newspaper as a substrate. I try to make the rest of the tank look good with natural looking hides and vines, etc. But newspaper is so easy to clean. I feel confident that the cage stays cleaner than if I had aspen. But lots of people go either way. Same with the hides. Some people use small terracotta plant pots and those are inexpensive but look kind of neat.
I use paper towels as substrate and use small boxes and paper towel rolls as hides. I do have vines that I got from the dollar store and wood to assist with shedding. I think my tanks look ok, not as good as when I used aspen but I didn't like the smell and I feel like I can keep me vivs cleaner with paper towels. My snakes don't seem to mind, even though they loved to burrow in the aspen. Hope this helps and good luck.
A save money route on aspen is look in the rodent area. I get a HUGE bag of aspen for the same price as a small bag of the reptile kind. It is wood chips instead of shredded which I don't really like but for the price I could care less.