I am not a moron and I have Kathy's book but that doesn't mean that I don't have questions about snakes that I am getting or ones that I currently have. I was even aware that coral snows were hypo snows. Suprise, suprise! It was my understanding when I joined this forum that you could ask questions and not be treated like I am some sort of idiot. My son and I have been working with reptiles for over 10 years this is just my first year with corns. I see that some of the "Master's" come on here to ask questions are they ridiculed for trying to describe something? Not that I have seen.
Did I say that you were a moron? No. I wasn't even implying it. Based on the information of your post, I was led to believe certain things. Pardon me for ever thinking otherwise. I guess the old adage about assumptions was true. So I apologize if anything I said was especially demeaning, as it wasn't meant that way. A lot of meaning can be lost in text, you can't get the tone of voice it was said in or even facial expressions. Most people around here can tell you that I don't go out of my way to make people feel like retards or unwelcome.
People are not mind readers, myself included. This is the first post I had ever read by you, believe it or not, and I don't know jack about you, what you keep, who you're married to, or your basic knowledge of cornsnake genetics. Based on the questions that you asked, it sounded extremely non-existant considering snows can be quite variable, and just because they don't have colors you generally see doesn't mean they're always something special. If you knew what Coral Snows were and what regular Snows were, it should have been common knowledge as to what breeding said corns would produce.
Coral Snow or Regular Snow?
Coral Snow or Regular Snow?
Coral Snow or Regular Snow?
Coral Snow or Regular Snow?
Snows have ALL sorts of variations! But I'd have to venture that if yours shows not much color at all, then perhaps it isn't as you bought it as. Susan has a point, people will make up nifty names and then try to pass it off as something new and unusual. At a show earlier this year, someone was marketing "Checkerboard Corns". When a certain member of this forum went over to check it out, he thought they were something special based on the "checkering" of the belly pattern. A few years ago I'd heard some pretty interesting things from Mr. Hopkins and his sales practices in the past.
Maybe you should post some pictures of your corns that defy explanation and people can comment on what you may or may not have.
And please stop with the "Contributors get treated different because they're speshul" BS. I am sick to death of that. I am no more special than anyone else. Just because we felt like paying to help keep this site running doesn't mean diddly in the grand scheme of things. There are a lot of other people who haven't paid who have been here longer than me.
"If you go around through life and expect to be wronged, you won't be disappointed."