Is this white sided trait just a line of selectively bred bloodreds, or is it caused by some unknown thing?
Very good question.
The kids in this, particular, clutch are from a pairing:
Anery Pewter 'white-sided' x Ghost Bloodred ph Charcoal
Both animals bred for the 1st time in 2009 & each present with superb lateral Diffusion.
Their kids present with either Charcoal or Anerythristic gene being visually dominant.
As the progeny are too young to test breed we refer to them as Granite - simply because that is their most likely cultivar given the parents homozygous genes & the fact that the Ghost Bloodred has not, yet, been proven hetero Charcoal.
Here's an interesting fact.
From the 3.2 'Hold Back' animals, three are exibiting the Pied-Sided trait. One animal is low expression & the other 2 are Medium expression.
Both ourselves & a number of friends from Europe & the U.K. have accepted the challenge to prove/deny the potential link between our 'white-sided' lineage & the 'Pied-Sided' trait which is evident in these line-bred animals :crazy01:
We are hoping 2010 Season will provide further information on this exciting development.
Thanks again everyone for all of your wonderfully positive comments
I shall keep y'all informed.
Regards. Lex