G.S.E. Concentrations...
"Triple Strength
Regular Strength
Triple strength grapefruit seed extract is 60% active ingredient (Citricidal) and 40% vegetable glycerine and is the basic formula supplied by the manufacturer.
The regular strength grapefruit seed extract sold nationwide in health food stores and pharmacies contains 1 part of the above concentration and 2 parts glycerine.
It is labeled as 33% active ingredients. In fact it contains only 20% active ingredients since the basic extract already contains 40% glycerine.
So in reality 33% is only 1/3 the potency of triple strength.
I use 10 drops of standard regular strength G.S.E., to the gallon of Water, up from the three drops per gallon concentration I had been using up until recently.
9 drops of regular strength G.S.E. is equal to 100 parts per million per gallon of H2O, of the active ingredient, (Citricidal).