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grapefruit extract


New member
i just picked this up at my local health shop

and i was wondering if its the right stuff and if so what dosages are safe.


  • g.s.e.jpg
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yep, looks like the right stuff. A drop or two per 2 cups of water should be good. I use 33% concentration.

-13mur 6
I use 15 drops per gallon of water. I've heard of people using up to 25 drops per gallon with no ill effect. But 15 seems to get the job done. IMHO
Question about GSE

I have been using a reptile specific water conditioner in my water. Do you guys use anything else or just the GSE?
I use Zoo Med Reptisafe, and I think it works great. I picked up that habit from working with snakes at my university, where we use the same product for the many cages we deal with in the research facilities :D

Here is a passage from "the corn snake manual" and it goes...........

Grapefruit seed extract has been a known suppressor of bacteria
in agriculture for a decade and is available for human use from healthfood stores.

A few drops added to the water bowl, after a three-day
withholding period to ensure thirst,has yeilded encouraging results with young corns prone to regurgitation.

Different brands of this stuff have different concentrations. The best way to test your concentration is to taste it yourself. It should only be stong enough to leave a slight bitter aftertaste. If it doesn't taste too bad and the acidity does not harm your mouth, than it is probably an OK solution for your corn.
I have a Western Hognose that regurged about every other meal for six months. Since I put GSE in it's water it hasn't regurged once. That's been two months now. Before I could only feed it pinkies every ten days. Now she's eating two fuzzies twice a week. I'm sold on the stuff. IMHO
G.S.E. Concentrations...

"Triple Strength
Regular Strength

Triple strength grapefruit seed extract is 60% active ingredient (Citricidal) and 40% vegetable glycerine and is the basic formula supplied by the manufacturer.

The regular strength grapefruit seed extract sold nationwide in health food stores and pharmacies contains 1 part of the above concentration and 2 parts glycerine.
It is labeled as 33% active ingredients. In fact it contains only 20% active ingredients since the basic extract already contains 40% glycerine.
So in reality 33% is only 1/3 the potency of triple strength.

I use 10 drops of standard regular strength G.S.E., to the gallon of Water, up from the three drops per gallon concentration I had been using up until recently.
9 drops of regular strength G.S.E. is equal to 100 parts per million per gallon of H2O, of the active ingredient, (Citricidal).
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