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Graphics tablets with built in screens


Sticking To The Ceiling
So the past few months I've decided I love my Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch. However, it doesn't have a built in screen, but I've gotten past that for the most part, but realized lately that I draw/write LOADS better when I can see where my pen/pencil tip is exactly.

However, not only is the tablet getting beaten up from being flimsy, it also has been giving me problems lately, right now being that it won't take data from the pen. Another problem that was always there was the pen tips wearing down... stupidest thing EVER.

So I'm looking to upgrade, with the main feature being that it has a screen. I've looked at the Wacom Cintiq and decided it has too many features for what I want, and is just too freaking expensive. I'm not paying 1k for something I want to doodle and color on.

So I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction I'm looking for. I KNOW Wacom is not the only tablet making company, and I remember seeing a tablet with a screen set for 500 bucks a few months ago, which is somewhat within my mental range, though I haven't done any actual math, seeing as I don't even know what other choices I have.

So... halp?
Cintiq is the only one I know of. I'll be splurging for the larger size (which is far more expensive than the smaller, $1K size) in the next year or so, with luck. I'd be interested to know if there is something comparable out there that performs as well for less money.
I'm surprised you're having problems with your wacom, I've had mine for 6 years and it still works great. Maybe you can buy a new pen? I know for the intous, you can even just buy the nibs if they wear down (I don't press that hard on mine, just use a large brush size and a light touch)

I find the screen tablets are hard on the eyes, since they emit light. It's like drawing on a lightbulb, and I can't do it for more than 15 minutes at a time (my friend has one). With my wacom, I sketch a rough at screen size then lower the opacity and ink on a new layer while zoomed in fairly close. It works great for me, it might help you too?

Can't help you with brands though.
Last I checked, a new pen was 30 dollars and nibs are a dollar a pop...

I've messed around with display/demo models of iPads and similar items in Best Buy and the AT&T store and my eyes were never bothered by the light-- it's actual sunlight that bothers my eyes. :laugh:

I've experimented with zoom levels and the such, but I'm still not seeing results I'd like to see that I know I can create.

I'm going to keep looking, so if push comes to shove, I'll start breeding rats for the purpose of selling most instead of producing just what I need for my snakes and get a tablet PC; if I'm going to spent more than 500 dollars on a tablet, and I HAVE seen one like a Cintiq (I believe it was the last generation or something of the like) for that price, I'm getting something with more bang.
I'm surprised you're having problems with your wacom, I've had mine for 6 years and it still works great. Maybe you can buy a new pen? I know for the intous, you can even just buy the nibs if they wear down (I don't press that hard on mine, just use a large brush size and a light touch)

I find the screen tablets are hard on the eyes, since they emit light. It's like drawing on a lightbulb, and I can't do it for more than 15 minutes at a time (my friend has one). With my wacom, I sketch a rough at screen size then lower the opacity and ink on a new layer while zoomed in fairly close. It works great for me, it might help you too?

Can't help you with brands though.

Yep I have the wacom too and love it. Never had any problems with it either. I have worn down tips but it was easy enough to fix.
I have also drawn on the screen tablets and didn't like them...they bothered my eyes and it was too hard to get used to. *shrugs*
I would try to upgrade beyond the bamboo and get the more highend wacom tablet and keep trying. I have found that getting in close and using a larger brush with a light touch works with the tablet for me. It just takes practise to get the touch. Give it more than a few months before springing for the screen tablet!
Hey guys,
i have just bought myself a new graphics tablet. Its an A4 Apitek tablet, i really wanted to get a wacom but i just cant afford one at the mometn so i decided on geting this one and for £85 i think its worth every penny. Really nice to use and very responsive, i would like to get a wacom eventually some time in the future because i believe there supposed to be excellent. But i have never tried one so i dont know what im missing out on, but for now, my new one is really good for me!
These were my first 2 pieces entirely done with the tablet drawing and painting straight into photoshop, usually i do an outline with pen and scan it in.
I was quite pleased with the results although there is still lots of rom for improvement, but the tablet served me well for my first serious attempts with it......


cool! Are we going to start showing off now? lol


I've had mine for quite a while though, but that's allll tablet. While working on a screen tablet in the store might seem fine, when you're focusing on it for a long period of time it gets hard on the eyes. I guess that's why e-readers like the Kindle have a market - they don't emit light.

It's your money though, a new nib is just a dollar and if you practice with a lighter touch you probably won't wear them down (I haven't needed a new one in 6 years, it still looks great!)