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Grason our 07' ANERY :-)


New member
Here is a few photos of Grason after he shed. He's 9mths old & getting big!



Dayem! What are you feeding your snakes? lol They are huge! He is stunning!!!
OMGosh is he FAT?? Please tell me I will cut back. Grason eats a fuzzie once a wk. He is small compared to ole' Dani who is now 200g @ a yr old..YIKES!!
lol No he's not fat. lol

Just wondering how the heck you get a yearling to weigh 200g!!!! lol Guess you just have good growers! lol Or there is something wrong with your scales! lol

My biggest yearling was powerfed somewhat by her previous owner and she is just over 100g...lol
Oh good he weighed in right at 60g.
Here is a photo you can see how much bigger he is than the other ones. He is so long too, I took this photo last mth. All 4 corns together. Banana is a yrling & he is smaller. (80) Dani's head is even huge! I think its the collard greens & fried chicken I feed him...LOL
I will weigh him right before feeding, maybe I weighed him a few days after his meal so maybe that's why not sure though. :shrugs: If he still weighs that I will get a photo..LOL that would be funny a photo of him on the weigh scale...LOL
BTW what is a powerfeeding?

I've always loved that pic. I'd love to try to hold 4 snakes in one hand. That would rock. :dancer: And the snakes are beautiful. :)
Grason is looking good, a very handsome chap indeed :)

I love the four corns in hand shot too! Have you been taking lessons from Dean, learning the disembodied hand technique :grin01:

Best wishes,