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Gravid or just fat???


I got this girl locally from people who said they just couldn't keep her anymore. I was told they had her probed at a reptile show and is a girl.
Now my question is do you think she is just fat or could be gravid?

I tried calling the people I got her from back and was told they had no clue what I was talking about and I didn't get a snake from them..... not sure if they were lying or the person changed their number or what.
All I wanted to ask is if she had been around a male and there was a possibility of pregnancy....

She just shed last night, over the past couple weeks she has only been eating 1 mouse instead of 2 like she did in the beginning (even when offered 2)

I just wonder if I should give her a lay box and prepare for eggs.


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If the people you got her from denied selling you a snake, there are a few possibilities. As you said they may have changed their number. Also, that could be a sign that they knew something was wrong with her, or there was something that they weren't telling you, and they didn't want to get busted for it.

I can't quite tell, but she looks to me like she could be gravid. Again, I do not breed, so I can not garuantee, soon some breeders will come on and they should know better than I. Good luck with her, she is very pretty!
You should be able to palpate the eggs, if you let her crawl over your second and third fingers, while pressing gently down on her back with your thumb. She has to be _relaxed_ for this to work. Another clue would be looking at her scales on the sides in her last third. If you can see a lot of space between the scales, she might be gravid.

If she's fat, you'll see the beginnings of fatty deposits (hips) right before where her tail starts.
If you look at the first pic I posted it looks like there is a lot of space between scales.... that is another reason I wondered. Does that mean she will lay soon if she is gravid, since she just shed??
I'm gonna say just fat, I don't see really stretchy looking scales, and the thick part of the snake seems to start not far down and then stay the same all the way down her length, while a gravid snake tends to look heavier in the last 2/3 of her body and normal looking from the neck a ways down.
Too bad you can't see the tail in the pic.
I could be wrong, so if you have any doubts it will not hurt to give her a nesting box.
Her body looks a lot like my Big Sam. He is about 1000g. He eats every 14 to 18 days. He doesn't have hips but he has a very thick body and the scales stretch all along his body. He is over 5 ft as well.

Never hurts to put in a lay box.