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Gravid x-rays


I like calculus
I had to take one of my girls into the vets today (story in the Misc Corn section) but I thought I'd repost the x-ray here. We can count 22 eggs and I feel bad for this girl. Thought you guys might be interested though.


Yes, thanks very much for posting that.

You can sure see why they go off their food before laying - she'd have trouble fitting a mouse round that lot!
It also shows why obesity in a gravid female is sooooo dangerous, doesn't it? People that keep their snakes too fat have extra adipose tissuee packed between those eggs and the body wall. Not good, huh?
Wow! Congrats! I hope that they all turn out to be fertile for you. :)

How long is she?

Neat films! How did you get them to come out? I have films of my chondro but I don't think they'll show if I scan them. Those look digital...and the view is AP for what it's worth. I do X-ray for a living :) Hope she passes them for you.
A longer version of this thread is in the miscellaneous section and regrettably,the snake couldn't be saved. The vet was able to get 21 eggs from her though and they all look good.

I'm sorry for the loss of your snake PtDnsr and I hope you have good luck hatching out her babies.
I didn't read all the pages, just what was wrong. So sorry to hear she didn't make it, but I hope her babies hatch for you.
Unfortunately when I picked the eggs up from the vet today I don't think any are fertile. It really stinks because I was looking forward to having a daughter from her. Since I didn't get any fertile ones from her last year either it makes me wonder if it was something genetic in her or if she just wasn't meant to breed. I'm still going to incubate in hopes that I'm wrong but I'm not counting on anything.

It was a digital image which was nice. I knew that I wanted to be able to share it with you guys no matter what and it being digital made it easier.
