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Dragon Artist
Hello all, I have been lurking on this site for a while and thought now would be a good time to introduce myself. Within the next 2-3 weeks my boyfriend and I will be purchasing our first corn together. Neither of us have owned snakes in the past, however I have taken care of many at my former job as an assistant naturalist (A few corns, a few kings, and a couple of rattlers, it was a fun job.) Due to that experience and some of the great information I have read here, I feel extremely confident bringing home a corn. Just yesterday we finished preparing our vivarium, I will be adding a thread about it in the DYI forum soon. All that is left for it is making a custom lid, and turning on the uth for a dry run without a snake for a week or so to make sure the temperatures are all on par.

So that's all for now. :spinner:
welcome!!! i LOVE dragons...3 of my tattoos are dragons and i have quite the collection lol. can't wait to see what kind of corn you bring home :)
You know what kind of corn you are going to bring home?
And HI!!! The people here are awesome!
Welcome, and you sound quite prepared. Lucky little corn you will be getting! :) We adopted the corns first off Craigslist and sort of learned as we went. It's only been a month since we got our first and now I can't remember life pre-snakes (we have 2 now and that's our limit - we just don't have the room for more than that). I agree with Scream - everyone loves to help. Do you know what Morph you are getting/sex/how old? That is the exciting part to me! Can't wait to see your pics over on DIY - sounds like a lot of thought has gone into your viv! WELCOME!