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Greetings fron good olde europe ;)


New member
Hi fellows!

I am new on this forum, so I guess I post my little friends here....

Thought I have to post first in the NEW MEMBER THREADS, but my account said I ve got not the rights to do so...I am here :rolleyes:

The first two pic are my het. CaramelBlood Classics:
Hope you will like to view, perhaps in us especial at RichZ´s Site you can see much more interessting morphs :crazy02:
So here we go:



The names of them: Brighty and Darky I think you will know "who is who"

Darky alone under a leaf:



Hope you enjoy !!!

Siegfried from Germany ...
PS: Don´t know Roy and I either do not have any white tigers :shrugs:
Sure they are together since birth, but they´r 0.2, I seperate male and female. They got a 130x50x50 for them (cm) ....

Why? Got in US any snaky his own terrarium...??? Or I did I guess it not right...
Here in the US most people keep their snakes seperate. I have noticed on other sites that Germans keep 2 snakes together often? Its always interesting to see how people in other countries keep their reptiles.
Nice snakes by the way:)
Nice Snakes, Sigi! Keeping Snakes sepratly is ok for some reasons...especially when talking about expensive hatchlings...

But when they are adults and like each other, why not keeping them together???
As long as they have enough space... In Sigis case he could put even one more in the Vivarium... It's big enough!

Fabius said:
But when they are adults and like each other, why not keeping them together???

stress, cannibalism,accidental breeding if sexed wrong. I personally don't belive snake can *like* each other, I think they can learn to tolerate each other but there will always be some dominance issues.
Great looking Normals! :cheers: I love caramel hets, they just have a nice look to them when the caramel gene is hidden in there.

Do you have a female het caramel blood to breed with? I really like Caramel Bloods, although most find them not so appealing. :shrugs:

Anywhoo... great looking snakes, thanks for sharing & Welcome! :wavey:
1. Interesting: Think its more "european style" to keep male and females, which got the same size together.
2. I see also in US the snakes keep more closed and seperate.
3. Think in euorpe the viavarium are more "nature like" than in US

==> correct me please....

I also think especially cornsnakes on the same size don´t do canibalizem. By a heatling and an adualt one, it could happen, i guess.

Thanks for the nice commands :)

Ah ... no but Fabius got a nice Bloodred 1.0 for my two chicks 0.2 - 50% Bloods in the next year :crazy02:
great snakes there, and welcome to the forum!!

watch out b/c i sense a war about cohabilitation on this thread just sizzling, its bout to get hott in here! lmao
First of all...
If Snakes are stressed it is because of us "humans" and not beacause of another snake....
Cannibalism does not happen in 99,9% if the Snakes are kept right. They need space... If you put two adults in a shoebox its clear that they Attack each other...

But everyone has got his personal opinion about keeping their snakes!

Actually I just wanted to show the Parents of Brighty and Darky!

Gina Wild 0,1 Caramel --> Mother of Brighty and Darky

Tony Stark 1,0 Bloodred --> Daddy of Brighty and Darky

-Welcome to the forum!
-Be very withholding in saying positive things about cohabitation or in denying the risks, you'll have little chance to find a comfy place around here then :rolleyes: ;)
-Lots of people here, also Americans like to see any decent pic of any corn!
-That bloodred father is amazing!
That is a very nice bloodred:) I'm not too fond of the darker ones but he is very pretty.

as far as the cohabitation goes, I wasn't saying its right or wrong. Just giving some reasons why it isn't done so much over here.
Thanks to you....

Let do not speak about this .... I am not stupid and I do not like to start an disscussion about it ....

It´s just interessting to hear about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw they are cute!

Everyone has said somehting about them being together but I'll leave it alone lol.

Love the set up too very natural looking, the BF laughs at me because I them to have lots of green stuff! haha