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GTP Hatchlings


Corn Manic
Well about 2 months ago I posted a picture of Eric's GTP with a clutch of eggs.

Then on the 26th of Feb I went to his place and saw these little ones hatching.....

And today...guess what?

I got a couple of photos from him basically harrasing me that his GTPs are now out and all looking great.....

So instead of enjoying these photos myself, Eric told me that I can post these photos for him~

So here they are:

chondroeggs&babiesfeb2705 020.jpg

chondroeggs&babiesfeb2705 038.jpg

chondroshatchingfeb2505 001.jpg

chondroshatchingfeb2505 005.jpg

chondroshatchingfeb2505 050.jpg

chondrostuffmar1305 010.jpg

This is a 2003 hatchling. I absolutley love this girl here...
I can handle her with no problem at all. Put my face right up to her and she still wont try to bite......man such an awesome animal!!!!!

chondrostuffmar1305 019.jpg

Hate you Eric for harrasing me again!!
omg... May I have... like... all of them? lol I'd forgotten how cute the babies are! Thanks for the post!!
Tell me about it~
I was most definately drooling all over the little hatchlings when I saw them hatch out.....man these things are absolutley amazing!!
:wavey: wow, very nice. The hatchlings are so cute. Wow, they are really nice. Cant wait to see the lil guy's progress.They look like such a serious snake, they have a look to them thats awesome.....anyway nice pics. :cheers:
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