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Spike has managed to escape from his viv we have only had him for 4 days.
My son was in tears last night as he believes that is was his fault he escaped because he choose the snake (it was his birthday present) no amount of assurance otherwise consoled him.

I put a mouse out in a trap for him last night as he was due is first feed last night since we bought him, but he did not take it.

Do I need to put several baited traps around the room?

I have read several threads on missing snakes and techniques for getting them back. I will attempt to put some flour down tonight to help trace him.

I am not even sure he is still even in the room. I have a real good search for him last night but there are so many hiding places for him (his viv is in my sons playroom) with the sheer amount of toys etc in there.

I can only assume he escaped between the glass of the vivs sliding doors as there is no other possible escape route.
He is 3-4 months old it just did occur to us that he could actually fit between the doors as the gap seemed too small for him.

Should we find him any advice on how to secure this area of the viv for the future ie I would be able to wedge some cloth between the doors but would he be strong enough to push this out? . Or should I just keep him within a plastic tub within the viv until I am certain that he cannot fit between the doors.

Hope you find him soon.

As for glass panels, I've used slide binders (the plastic things you use to hold loose leaf A4 together) down the edge of glass on vivs before. They're easy to trim to size, cheap, fit nicely, and will also stop any nose damage from a snake trying to escape.

Something like these ....


... I tend to use the more rounded version.

Good luck with the hunt!

Make sure you check under the viv and things like that. Most snakes are found near to their viv.
Where are you from? Here in PA anyway, it's getting fairly cool at night now. If it's the same case where you're at, look for him somewhere warm early in the morning. Going along with Meg's viv comment, I've heard of people flipping their viv (if it's an aquarium anyway) over on its side, putting aspen on what is now the floor of the viv, and putting the UTH under it. Basically that sets up a viv except it has an open side to it. So it allows them to be somewhere warm and familiar at the same time.
No sign of him yet

I have checked the room that the viv is in, to such an extent that I have moved everything out of the room (checking each item for the snake before moving it out of the room).

I have mice down in this room and several others but there has been no sign of him taking them. After going for nearly 2 weeks without feeding I would have thought he must be hungry by now.

The main problem I have it that he could be anywhere in the house as the door to the room where the viv is was open during the night he escaped.

I have this morning placed one of the mice in the room where I keep my computers (the hottest room in the house, but also the furthest away and up a flight of stairs from the viv) in the hope that he has headed there for the heat.

I have ordered a mesh viv (This one ) to go over the glass viv. Overkill I know but dont want to lose another or Spike should we find him. I have placed the binders suggested by colinmcc on the viv doors (thanks for the advice colinmcc).
I will most likely purchase another snake this weekend once I am happy the the viv is secure as when we bought Spike he was housed with another snake of the same size and age. So should Spike reappear I can house them together until they can be sexed and split if I need to to avoid them breeding.

I have been changing the mice every two days and replacing them with freshly defrosted ones.
How long should I leave the mice out before they are no longer appertising to the snake?

I live in the UK, Near Sheffield, S. Yorks, the last few nights it has been quite hot and sticky in the UK.

Hi fellow Yorkshire person! Don't give up hope of finding Spike. It's not unheard of for them to turn up safe and sound after being missing for weeks. As advised, nighttime and early morning should be the best time to catch him. Leave drawers open for him to sneak into, check shelves and on top of stereo speakers, under beds and amidst any clutter you might have in the house. Corns like to be in small secure spaces so it's likely you won't find him gliding around open space. Best of luck, I have my fingers crossed for you.

I have now bought my 2nd Corn yesterday.
My wife has come up with the name Fortuna for several reasons the pattern on her head looks like a tuning fork and we hope to be fortunate with the snake than we were with Spike.

When I bought her the sales person said he had already partially thawed a fuzzie for her to feed her with later so he gave me the partially thawed fuzzie and said I should try her with it as she was due to be feed that night.

Put her in her feeding tub and she took it straight away. I just cannot believe how quick she can move while I was trying to get her in the tub but once she sensed the fuzzie she bit down straight away. It was nice to see as I never got to feed Spike. :)

Thanks for the messages of support. Still hoping Spike turns up. It would be great to have two corns.
I have a Cal King, my first snake, who has escaped and been recovered 6 times! I had one hatchling corn escape and be recovered twice. I also had another hatchling corn escape and was never recovered. And, I did find the king under his tank where the heat was. So, what's the point? Don't give up. I'm 8 for 9.
are these what you have?



if so, they are not made for hatchlings, some people say not even yearlings...

good luck finding him
Aww, I'm sorry to hear you lost your lil' guy. When I lost my amel once, I found him right near his viv in a paper bag that had wood moulding in it, so he didn't go far. So when you say you checked everything, do check everything! :)

Also, did he have any hides in his viv? I once thought my snow was lost until I found her so wedged up inside her fake rock I had missed her the first time I checked it. Good luck to you.
@ SnakeLuvrs

Yes my viv is similar but smaller and I am not sure it is stackable. Also my viv does not have the metal pieces in the corners.

@ babbaloo99

Yes I do have hides in there but they are just hollowed out half (small) tree trunks so it is not possible to hide in them. I also took out each each item of decoration and checked it just in case he was hiding in it, I also did the same for the substrate transfering it to a plastic tub in the hope that he was hiding under it somewhere.

To date he is still missing and has not taken any of the mice left for him.