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Halloween Corn Photo Contest

3 snakes have already been donated towards this contest, see link in post above for details.

If anyone wants to donate towards shipping (in part or in whole) of a couple of these animals, you can contact me. (See thread)
New Category Added - "Canada" with prizes donated in Canada so it's not just another darn US only contest anymore. :D

We have prizes for all 4 categories now, check out the added snakes!
UPDATE - Joanna has added an 06 female coral snow to pair the ghost (poss het amel) she had previously donated. Great choice of pairing since it will prove out the male for amel.

Thanks Joanna!
Howdy all!!!

Get those cameras. If you've ever been thinking about getting one of my Corn Condo Hatchling Racks....win this contest! (Or be runner up).

$25 off coupon for 1st place in EVERY category
$10 off coupon for runner up in EVERY category

Not to mention there are a bunch of other nice prizes as well.

okay... I'm central time too... and it's hmmmm already 6pm.. Okay, it's time to shut down the computer, brave the rain and head my butt home and hope the camera batteries are finished charging.

Oh yeah, and I get some pictures I can use :)
Voting is now open.

Note: For categories with heats, heats will end on Wednesday and the top photos from each heat will go into final voting through Friday.

Lots of great photos, everyone! Have fun and I'll post the names of the entrants once voting is completed (in the voting threads) so you can see who our master photographers are. :)

Links to voting threads:

Costumes - Heat 1

Costumes - Heat 2

Halloween - Heat 1

Halloween - Heat 2

Pumpkins - Heat 1

Pumpkins - Heat 2

Pumpkins - Heat 3

Photoshop - Only Heat

Canada - Only Heat